Thursday 4 March 2021

Safety First?

First of all, I am very happy & delighted to write my 50th blog on Safety on the 50th National Safety Day. It is a nice coincidence.

National Safety Day is celebrated every year in India on 4th March (National Safety Council was formed on 4th March 1966)

Road Safety Week/Month & National Safety Day/Week are celebrated to spread the awareness among the people & workers about the various aspects of Safety.

Please go through my previous posts on Safety -

This year, the theme of the National Road Safety Month (18th Jan to 17th Feb) was “Sadak Suraksha- Jeevan Raksha” . Whereas, the theme of the National Safety Day is “Learn from the Disasters, Prepare for the Safer Future”

We might have heard “Safety First” several times… But unfortunately, Safety is the first thing compromised while driving or working… Let us now find out why it is so…

Let us take this example… The moment we get into the car, the first thing we are asked or we are supposed to do is wearing the safety belt. But in spite of keeping the alarms in the car indicating to wear the safety belt, penalties imposed on the road for not wearing the safety belt, still we don’t wear the safety belt. This is the first compromise we do on safety. If we critically observe the reasons- Are we doing it due to lack of awareness? Definitely no. Are we not concerned about our life? No. Then why?

Some common reasons & myths in the minds of people about safety are-

Safety PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is not comfortable to wear, not stylish (you might have observed many people saying these when they are asked to wear helmets), costly, so many other reasons…  Some people use karma Siddhant here saying jo hoga so hoga means whatever is destined to happen, it will happen… But unfortunately, they are not able to realize the importance of Safety.

But this pandemic situation has made all of us to understand how we are responsible for our own safety and the safety of others.

Thus, the Safety is not only an individual responsibility, it is the social responsibility of all. Unless we feel the responsibility, we won’t fulfill it. Culture has an effect on people's behaviour. Integration of people's behaviour is culture. Individual’s Safety Behaviour only collectively builds the Safety Behaviour of a society or organization and finally the Nation’s Safety Behaviour. So the change in individual’s safety behaviour is critical in building a safety culture. So, let us all be the catalsysts for such a change.

We say life is a journey… Safe driving only ensures this journey to be happy and leads to Happy Life.

Thus, Safety is the way of Happy Life… Happy Journey…

Let us analyze & learn from the previous near miss incidents, accidents and disasters to ensure the safety in our lives… Never think Past is Past… Learn from the past…



Unknown said...

Nice 👍

Unknown said...

Yes...very informative and really We should follow this ahead 👍👍 said...

Yes correct

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