Wednesday 29 April 2015

How the "Commitment at Work" works?

The mutual commitment between the organization and the employees is the secret of success for not only the organization but also for the employees. This can be better achieved through inspirational leadership. The organizational focus should be not only on making the roadmaps for sustainable growth, but also on making every employee a sustainable vehicle on the roadmaps made for the organization. This sense of employee bonding and belongingness is to be inculcated by enhancing the effectiveness of the following-
-Proper need based training
-Giving higher responsibilities
-Putting the employees in cross-functional teams
-Taking opinions & suggestions
-Proper succession planning
-Performance management and rewards
-Stress management interventions

Tuesday 28 April 2015

5S Methodology

5S is the Japanese methodology of working with a systematic approach.
1S-SEIRI-Sort Out
2S-SEITON-Set in Order

  1. Sort out all the tools & materials. Segregate the wanted and unwanted items. Name the unwanted items as Red-tag items & dispose if those are not required.
  2. Set the items in proper order so that they can be easily retrieved when required.
  3. Maintain cleanliness at the workplace & surroundings. Good hygiene is always a good motivating factor.
  4. Standardize the schedule for the above works. Frame a scheduled task sheet.
  5. Sustain the practices of 5S system in true spirit. Ensure it with regular audits and reviews. Strive for Continual Improvement.

Theme: 5S- A Sustainable Vehicle


Monday 27 April 2015

Happiness - The Main Goal of Life

Happiness should be the main goal of life. Remaining all are the sub-goals. But people think that all the sub-goals like achieving something, earning this much, buying something will give the happiness in life. Just after achieving those sub-goals only, they come to know that there is no happiness there. Again they search for happiness by setting some other goals.Here one important thing to be observed is that they are leaving the HAPPINESS itself in the run to chase these sub-goals. Thus, instead of going behind these sub-goals, one should straightaway aim at HAPPINESS as the main goal of life and try to achieve it in each and every juncture of life. 
Enjoy each and every picosecond of life.


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