Monday 27 April 2015

Happiness - The Main Goal of Life

Happiness should be the main goal of life. Remaining all are the sub-goals. But people think that all the sub-goals like achieving something, earning this much, buying something will give the happiness in life. Just after achieving those sub-goals only, they come to know that there is no happiness there. Again they search for happiness by setting some other goals.Here one important thing to be observed is that they are leaving the HAPPINESS itself in the run to chase these sub-goals. Thus, instead of going behind these sub-goals, one should straightaway aim at HAPPINESS as the main goal of life and try to achieve it in each and every juncture of life. 
Enjoy each and every picosecond of life.


babitaasinha said...

absolutely ... well written sir

Unknown said...

Yes. Absolutely

Sangeeta Banjare said...

But sub goals also generate happiness


Good information

Unknown said...

Some researchers says that
"Satisfaction = H@ppiness"
"H@ppiness = Satisfaction"
V get satisfaction if v fullfill our short term goals / sub goals... These sub goals itself will make a path for achieving long-term 'H@ppiness'... If v link with the Maslow's hierarchy of human needs... if One need (sub goal)... satisfied.. again they strive to satisfy next level of need and Likewise they tries to reach the Highest level..self actualization. All these sub goals... itself envelopes the long run H@ppiness... Nobody will not bring h@ppiness in our life......
It is our responsibility to bring h@ppiness in our life...
Now u may come up with a question... That..parents(👫)feel responsible and they bring h@ppiness in their children(👨‍👩‍👧‍👦) life... s.. it is 💯% true.. they feel h@ppy when their children is h@ppy😄😄
And some says Satisfaction and H@ppiness.. goes together....

Unknown said...

खुशी किसी भी प्रकार के लक्ष्य की मोहताज नहीं है।

Unknown said...

No one can make another person happy , happiness is within

Unknown said...

Happiness is a Choice,
Happiness is a journey and not the Destination.

Being happy never goes out of style.

prof.Nandini said...

Very well said sir

Anonymous said...

Absolutely.. well written sir✨

Anonymous said...

Very well said happiness is individual feelings

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