Friday 19 August 2022

Lord Shri Krishna – The Real Supreme Hero

We all accept that the world is a stage and we all are actors. God is the Writer and the Director. We have to follow the roles and responsibilities as per the God’s script. For further details, please go through my previous blogs related to this concept –

Be an 'Actor' of 'Emotions' -

Be a 'Star Actor' in Reel & Real Life -

In continuation to those, now I have come up with one more addition. The God Vishnu took 10 avathars (Dashavatharams) – 10 manifestations. It means that God, who is the Creator, Writer & Director also has played a role of a Hero in these 10 plays on the world stage along with all the remaining people. He has set an example to the world how to act on the stage of life. Just imagine how lucky the people would have been to act with the God Himself, be His parents, guru, wife, son, friend, villain, whatever may be. That is why even the villains in these great scripts also got Moksha.

The Krishna Avatar especially is known for its versatility. Lord Krishna showed several Leelas in His life. Right from the childhood, He faced several challenges, but always with a smile and pleasantness. Right from taking birth in the jail, fighting with several demons, He has always shown the courage to handle the challenges with a smile, even at the small age. He has been playful at the young age and was known for romance. But He has performed all His duties & responsibilities as a King.

He has set an example of friendship by being the friend of a poor man Sudama. Lord Krishna stood on the side of Dharma (on Pandavas side). Coming to Kurukshetra, the ultimate war, He would have killed Kauravas as He is the Supreme Power Himself. But, awakened Arjuna to fight the war and Krishna led Him by becoming His Charioteer. This is what I really admire about Lord Krishna. Just observe how much respect He gives to His own written script (Karma). As per the script, Arjuna should fight the war. In previous blog also I mentioned that a Star actor never interferes in the role of a junior actor. In fact, he encourages the junior to perform well. Setting an example, Lord Krishna motivated Arjuna to perform his role in the war rather than taking over the charge & finishing the war.

From this, we should learn how down to earth we should be while performing our roles. We should respect the script & our roles and others’ roles too. Just remember how sincerely Lord Krishna followed His own written script. We all are blessed to be the actors on the stage on which once upon a time Lord Krishna also performed.

Let the Real Supreme Hero, Creator, Script Writer & Director Lord Krishna direct us on this stage of Life.