Sunday 27 June 2021

Be a 'Star Actor' in Reel & Real Life

If you are convinced that we all are actors and the life is a drama after reading my previous post  Be an 'Actor' of 'Emotions', here is the sequel to it…

If we observe the role & emotional clarity of the star actors, we find several life secrets to learn. Though the star actors act in different roles in different situations & scenes in different movies, they never bring the interference among the roles or emotions. Suppose a star actor has to act in a comedy scene in a movie1 shoot, then in a romantic scene in a movie2 shoot, from there he goes to a movie3 shoot in which he has to play the character of a son whose mother has died- a very sad scene, in movie4 shoot he has to play a college going student role, in movie5 he has to play a role of a thief presented in the court of law – court scene. By the evening or night, he has to go home & play his real roles as a husband, son, father etc. But it is so wonderful that he never carries an emotion of one particular scene to the another. So, there won’t be any interference of the previous scene on the present scene. Otherwise, the performance gets affected. This is what we should learn from the star actors. High level of Emotional Intelligence can be achieved with the realization that we are all actors and the world is a stage.

The other important aspect here is- the star actors never interfere with the roles of the junior artistes. They may become the mentors for the junior actors. But they never spoon-feed the juniors. Always they encourage the uniqueness of each & every actor. The Role Clarity is the important aspect we should learn from this. Most of the star actors focus on their roles and continually improving themselves. They normally give suggestions to the junior actors as mentors only without ego. We have already seen how lack of ego helps in building the relations The Relations are Precious - Happy Father’s Day.  We have never seen a movie/drama in which all the roles are played by a single actor except in monologue. The movie/drama becomes a success when all the actors do their best. The unity in diversity is the key there. It applies to the cross-functional team management also. The director is the person who understands the script requirements and chooses the actors as per their unique capabilities & skills and ensures that those skills are blended well into the effective story telling. It is the same in case of a Team Manager. The real big Writer & Director is the GOD. All the others are like assistant directors for a particular scene or episode. Star actors politely present their views or suggestions to make some corrections in the script. But they never blame the director. Most of the times they don’t interfere in those areas. They always focus on their roles and try to continually improve their performance.

Again, all these learnings are applicable to all of us to perform better in our roles such as husband, father, son, mother, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, teacher-student, boss-subordinate, peers & in any relationship.

Having the role clarity & emotional intelligence without interference is the key for becoming a Star Actor.

Be a Star Actor to win the hearts of people around you…

Be a Star in both Reel & Real life also...


Dr. Sarojbala Thokchom said...

Lovely words nice & beautifulπŸ‘

Unknown said...

Wonderful and very nice ..

Dr.Kumaraswamy Durgam said...

Good and beautiful message.

Unknown said...

Acts According to the
S... Situation... Sets
T... Trend.. they play all characters they simply called as
A... All rounder... they exhibit a
R... Realistic performance ... their
A... Aspiration is to inspire every one they continuously try to improve their
C... Capacity to attract every one with their acting and
T... Touches the ❤️'s of their fans.. both
O....On-screen and Off-screen they will always be
R....Role model.." round the clock"
Sir... Before v win the ❤️'s of the people who r around us....first of all v should win our own ❤️...self satisfaction... To be a 🌟 actor... U must write ur own script...ok I accept that God itself is the writer and director... Of our life...

ResearchSubbu said...

Thank you all for the wonderful responses.

Chhaya dadhwal said...


Anonymous said...

Very Nice..������������

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

It's a wonderful thoughts you have shared with us.
Thank you

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