Sunday 20 June 2021

The Relations are Precious - Happy Father’s Day

Most of the countries in the world celebrate Father’s Day on third Sunday of June. Though it is not there in the Indian tradition, still the concept is taken to celebrate with the children. They give the gifts to the father as a token of love & affection.'s_Day ) 

As we have already discussed in the previous blogs that all these days are celebrated to reinforce / strengthen a particular concept or relation.

People correlate many things to “Father” such as:  

God – Father of the World

Scientist/Inventors – Father of a particular science or theory

Priest in the churches – Father

Boss- Fatherly nature

Some people say my dad is like my brother, my friend etc. Some say he is the hero of their lives… Some say he is the villain… why is it so? It all depends on how we maintain the relations.

He is the Head of the family. So, he has

·       to think about the family and take decisions

·       to look after the family and welfare.

·       to take feedback & control

We say- face is the index of mind. Normally the face is seen by ourselves in the mirror. Some people use it for self-analysis & correction. But for some people, the mirror develops the ego. The moment, the ego comes into any relation, there are fair chances that the bonding in the relationship starts reducing.

The relationship without ego is like the plain glass through which we can see the image of the people around us clearly as they are. We can recognize and appreciate as they are. The moment the ego which is like the reflecting material coat on the glass slowly makes it a mirror through which we will try to see ourselves in others. That’s why we hear many times fathers saying he is seeing himself in his kid. Till that point it is OK. But strongly imposing our ideas and thoughts on to the kids and trying to make them as we are or better than us is mostly the father’s thinking. But unfortunately, it is not because of the pure love & affection. The pure love & affection comes when we are able to identify the people around as they are. We should recognize & appreciate other’s unique capabilities clearing the coating of the Ego… Then we will be so much transparent in our relationship. This is another perspective of looking at Transparency in the Relationships… That is removing the ego, recognizing and appreciating the other’s talents.

Just imagine what will you see if you use the mirror to see what the child is doing. Obviously, you can’t see the him/her. You are just trying to find yourself by using the mirror ego. Please remove the reflective coat (ego). So, our mind should be like a pure glass which can pass the light to see the true reflection of the others. There should not be any coat of ego which is a barrier for the relationship.

This concept can be applied in any relationship such as Father-Son, Mother-Daughter, Husband-Wife, Mother in law – Daughter in law, Boss-Subordinate, Teacher-Student, Elders-Youngsters.

So, remove the ego to make a clear & transparent bonding in any relationship. The relations are precious like glasses. So take at most care to preserve them from breaking.

One more aspect I want to discuss here is, the role of a father is to make the son grow and stand on his own and face all the challenges. It is the responsibility of the father to bring up the child as a responsible citizen. Feel the Responsibility to Fulfill the Responsibility.


Dr. Sarojbala Thokchom said...

Nice Happy Father's day 🌷

Unknown said...

Good one

Anonymous said...

Good one πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

Sharda Kolteke said...
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Sharda Kolteke said...

Happy Father's Day πŸ’πŸ’

Sharda Kolteke said...

Very nice πŸ‘πŸ»

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