Saturday 5 June 2021

Turn Inwards & Outwards - Rethink & Restore the Ecosystems – Happy World Environment Day

As we are always very busy in degrading the Environment and deforming the ecological systems, for making us to take a pause and rethink and start contributing towards our Environment, every year World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June. This is a factual satire from my personal perspective. But actually, it is a great initiative of UN to spread the awareness on Environment Protection. This year, the theme is “Ecosystem Restoration”.

Please go through my previous posts related to the Environment (click on the following) … 

Happy Earth Day

Save the Environment & Biodiversity from the “Inhumanity in Humanity”

Happy "World Environment Day"

"Protect the Ozone Layer" to "Get Protected"

Inclusive Growth of Agriculture and Biodiversity with Industrialization

Environment & Sustainability

Wishing Happy, Safe, Healthy & Eco-friendly New Year…

It is always said, “Think before you act”. There are two options to think… Thinking inwards - Thinking about ourselves. Thinking outwards – Thinking about others. “How I get benefit out of something?” or “how others can benefit us?”. I am not talking about these things… These come under selfish thinking. We won’t achieve anything out of these. During the pandemic, we must have heard several times about thinking inwards to understand who we really are… This awareness is self-actualization the highest of the Maslow’s hierarchy.

As per me, turning inward with a selfish goal won’t give any results… Understanding the nature/environment in the holistic spectrum and then shifting the focus to the self is the proper way of achieving the self-actualization as we are the part of the world and we are interdependent on the Environment. The moment the child comes out of the mother’s womb, he/she gets placed in the Nature’s lap… It takes care of that kid by giving proper Oxygen, maintaining suitable temperature, so many other things which help him/her to live throughout his/her life. So, from birth to death, we are dependent on the Nature. Nature also depends on us as we are the people who can take care of it or destroy it. But Nature has its own self adjusting mechanism to find the ecological balance. It is beyond Human Intelligence. We always talk about Biodiversity… Just see how fast the God is to create so many variants of Corona Virus… Still, the human-beings are also fighting against it for the survival. Finally, it is the Survival of the fittest… This is the law of nature and that’s how ecological balance is maintained… But, human race, over a period for so many years, has become very selfish and was fiddling with the ecological balance and spoiling the biodiversity with full of selfishness for the comforts… Deforestation, use of fossil fuels, pollution etc. Earlier in good olden days, we used to depend on the Nature for the survival. But now it has become a greed to get all the comforts at the cost of Nature’s degradation. One more surprising thing you must have observed is, during this pandemic attack of the Environment, the human race is opting for the natural remedies… Most of the people started understanding the importance of Ayurveda which is a pure natural medical science… Just observe the composition of an ayurvedic medicine consists of extracts from several plants. Thus, to take care of ourselves we need to take care of at least those plants… We are dependent on cattle for milk products… This is how the tradition, Culture and Nature are integrated. All the people in the world must have understood the importance of Oxygen for our lives in this pandemic. Seeing from the positive perspective, this pandemic has given huge opportunities of innovation and invention… Similarly, the environmental degradation also gives an opportunity for us to rethink and do something better to restore the ecosystems.

So, let us turn inwards & outwards with the Bird’s Eye View ( to understand the interdependency of Self & the Environment and contribute towards Ecosystem Restoration. Whether it is a business or life, we need to understand both the internal & external environment and the intra and inter dependencies and act accordingly… Thus, again our focus should be like the lenses of the mobile phone. One lens is used for taking the selfie (Looking inward) & the other is for the rest of the world (looking outward). Finally, the mobile is in our hands only… Use it properly…



Sunita Mishra said...

पर्यावरण बचाओ आज जीवन बचाने के लिए। प्रकृति की ओर लौटो।

Ashutosh said...


Unknown said...

E...Empathy towards the feelings of the
N.. Nature...Otherwise the god will
V.. Vigilantly observes wt v r doing to the nature..
I...Imagine our life without nature and try to
R.. Restore the nature as it is... Always be
O.. Obligated in protecting the environment..V get all
N...Natural resources from the nature it is created by the god itself (gift of god) (fresh water, air, sunlight..) there should be
M...Mutual relationship between the nature and human beings...
E...Ecosystem will energize and
N...Nourishes the life ( life supporting system)..All the time be
T.. Thankful to the environment...
Yes, sir the present situation itself making us to rethink.. about the reaction of the nature ..
"Mother Nature knows very well how to take revenge... So be careful before hurting the nature"...

ResearchSubbu said...

Thank u again for a nice acronym again...

Auadhati Datta said...

the title is very strong sir...

Madhu Rathi said...

It is our responsibility to save the earth..very well said by u

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