Monday 31 May 2021

Commit to Quit Tobacco – Happy World No Tobacco Day

Every year on 31st May, World No Tobacco Day is celebrated. The initiative is taken up by World Health Organization… This year the theme is “Commit to Quit”.

Normally people start Smoking & Drinking at the young age due to various reasons discussed earlier in my previous post King's Habits

After few months or years, it will become a habit…

Let us now understand the terms Habit, Habit formation & difference between a Bad Habit & Addiction from this

Habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated & occurs subconsciously… After so many repetitions habits are formed… it varies from individual to individual… If a habit has an undesirable pattern either to self or society, it is called a bad habit.

This is still at the psychological level… This can be treated by replacing the similar stimuli and increasing the willpower. With solely willpower also, one can easily quit a bad habit.

But if the bad habit is still continued, the physiological/neurological system  gets tuned to the stimuli. Then it becomes an Addiction. Here it becomes difficult to the addicted person though he or she wants to quit the bad habit with full will power as the physiological/neurological system won’t co-operate…These are called withdrawal symptoms… If we forcibly quit the habit, the withdrawal symptoms may increase & may damage the health… some people again restart the habit & go to previous state or worse state – This is called Relapse…

To avoid relapse or withdrawal symptoms, we need a help of a psychiatrist/psychologist to guide these addictive persons to come out of these in a healthy way…

After understanding these basic concepts, now let us go for my thoughts….

Smoking kills – This we would have seen many times just before the movie an ad comes… It says tobacco consumption in the form of smoking may cause lung cancer and chewing tobacco may lead to mouth cancers etc…

I say the source of several fire hazards is smoking… The ignition source for fire can be a match stick or a cigarette or beedi whatever in the workplace, industry or petrol bunks or any place where they are strictly.

This, as using tobacco is a health & fire hazard most of the companies have gone for No Tobacco policy and banned the use of Tobacco.

The other important aspect of smoking is it greatly affects the persons around… Passive smoking has a huge affect on the health of the people who are continuously exposed to it.

So the ill effect is airborne… So it becomes a social responsibility to avoid smoking in public as the smokers are damaging the health of the passive smoking.

By reading these lines immediately you might have made the analogy with the COVID-19, airborne, mask , social distancing etc. Exactly you are right. Smokers should be treated similar to the corona spreaders. They should also feel the responsibility to avoid smoking in public areas and this save the passive smokers. Everything is in Our Hands.

One more important connection is there between smoking & corona… Already the capacity & health of lungs might have been compromised with the smoking habit and just imagine this corona virus is also attacking the lungs further to an extent that  the oxygen saturation levels are dropping so drastically that several people are quitting this world…

So just decide… Quit Tobacco or you will Quit the World soon…

Quit smoKING to be the real KING.





Ripudaman Gaur said...

Great sir...Let's assume for a world which is free from tobacco.

Dr. Sarojbala Thokchom said...

Really thats right Dr., young peoples are in addiction of tobacco this days. Dr. Very nice ideas to the young ones.

Unknown said...

Good effort.

Sangeeta Banjare said...

In village most the people use.

Unknown said...

Consumption of Tobacco products.. will..
T...Targets on all the
O...Organs of the body and
B... Burns ur life .. so.. don't make an
A...Ash of urself..if u light up...
C.. Causes to cancer and kills... all cells in the body.. therefore try to
C.. Change ur hobbies .. (put it out before it puts u out)..for ur loved one's and otherwise seriously it will harms u and
O.. Others around u
As we all know that... on all the Tobacco products ..there will be warning messages on the label..Like
"Tobacco causes mouth Cancer"
"Smoking causes throat Cancer"
...The Company itself makes an effort to enhance the public awareness of the harmful effects of smoking. Health warnings on cigarette packages can serve as prominent sources of health information for both smokers and nonsmokers.
(Tobacco company itself kill their best customer's)
"Stop consuming before it consumes u"...
After reading this v also felt the same thing in the same manner....sir... u r simply superb... in identifying the topic which represents the present situation....

ResearchSubbu said...

Thanks for all the comments... Nice acronym.

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