Wednesday 26 May 2021

Interoception & Introspection – Happy Buddha Purnima

The first full moon day of vaisakha in lunar calendar is celebrated as the birthday/enlightenment day/death day of Gautham Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.'s_Birthday

The moment we think of Buddhism, or Gautham Budhha’s teachings, Mindfulness meditation technique comes to our mind. It is very famous all over the world… Extensively used by many psychologists integrating it to therapy…

Please go through this to understand ithe basics about mindfulness…

Here if we see an interesting term is introduced – interoception – the sense of the internal state of the conscious or unconscious body. This basically talks about the brain sensing the physiological status or feel of the body. This is used in mindfulness to be aware of our breathing, body scan, focus on surroundings- sounds etc. This is how the mental state of the body can be controlled by using the physical state of the body… This clearly explains how both r interconnected.

Now it is very interesting to understand introspection… we all know it that introspection is looking inwards or knowing thyself or self analysis or self awareness. If we observe, it is almost synonymous to interoception. But there is a difference… Introspection is the porcess of observing one’s own thoughts and emotions.,the%20examination%20of%20one's%20soul.

It is more about the mental state of mind. Whereas interoception is related to physiological state…

Please go through the following to understand about these two…,the%20need%20for%20conscious%20reasoning.

After understanding the difference between interoception & introspection, as we can’t separate the psychological process from the physiological process, let us have an integrated view at both the things supporting the mindfulness meditation process.

Mindfulness meditation involves interoception as we try to focus on the breathing or sensations etc.(physiological). At the same time, we are observing the deviations & thoughts and are trying to consciously but not forcibly bringing back the attention… this is how we are introspecting ourselves and integrating it to interoception, to achieve the mindfulness meditative state.

Kabar Zinn’s famous Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) technique uses mindful eating of a raisin which is a combination of both psychological & physiological processes and an integrative & holistic approach.

Apart from Mindfulness, another greatest contribution of Lord Buddha to the world is in the form of his teachings… U might have already come across so many wonderful & inspirational quotes & slogans from Buddhism. The ethics & discipline are the main pillars of Buddhism… This is how Buddhism is beyond the boundaries of religion… it is a way of life… guiding us how to live in present and be mindful about whatever we do… it gives us the true inspiration & motivation to be mindful at each & every moment of our lives …

Be Mindful always…


Unknown said...


U = Very Nice


So informative

Dr. Sarojbala Thokchom said...

I m motivating my mind very very nice 👍

Unknown said...

B... Behave yourself..make an effort to...
U... Understand your own journey
D... Don't be a beggar of love and
D... Don't be a donor of love.. and three things cannot be long
H...Hidden.... The 🌞, the 🌒 and the truth.... try to know ur
I... Inner strength that comes from inner peace.. therefore
S.. Successful people always have two things on their lips.... silence & smile..they says success is not key to happiness... But happiness is the key to success.. and never waste ur time in revenge...try to practice
M.. Meditation.. that..brings ur life...

NITHYA C said...

Nice information.

Dr Birajlakshmi Ghosh said...

Nice writing

Anonymous said...

Nice information

Anonymous said...


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