Thursday 22 April 2021

Happy Earth Day

On 22nd April, every year, Earth Day is celebrated throughout the world to reunite all of our thoughts and efforts to save the Mother Earth… Let us first understand some basics about Earth & Earth Day…

The theme of this year is to “Restore Our Earth”

It is our prime responsibility to understand all the following terms and its importance…

Environment – Environmental protection

Ecology – Ecological balance


Green House Effect- Green House Gases – Global Warming – Climate Change

Energy sources- Fossil Fuels- Energy Conservation

Environmental Pollution- Carbon Footprint

Sustainability- Environment vs Development/Economy- Sustainable Development

Agriculture – Soil properties

Ground water, Forests


I have made an attempt in my previous blogs to introduce some concepts briefly… Actually, integrating all the above concepts will give us the holistic picture of the Environment Management to save the Mother Earth…



As per UN, the COVID-19 pandemic situation has also got an influence on the eco-system.


We have also seen earlier how the Health, Environment, Safety and Happiness are inter-related and interdependent.

If we see from the technical perspective-

Earth has the gravitational force which is pulling us towards the centre of the earth, thus facilitating to hold the things on the surface of the Earth… We all know the importance of Earth in the Electrical & Electronics fields… With its zero potential, how it is protecting us… Earth also behaves a natural magnet and provides the North & South poles for the magnetism. The list goes on….

Spiritually, Earth is considered as the Mother-God & is worshipped. We would have heard “Down to Earth” while describing the personality trait of a person… Lack of Ego is the important aspect of Learning and Growth… Moreover, Earth is the symbol of Patience, Endurance, Strength, Vastness/Broadness, Inclusive Nature, Embeddedness, Supporting Nature… These are some of the psychological factors we can learn from the Earth…

Considering all these aspects into account, let us try to follow some of the following responsibilities-

Ø      To conserve the natural resources & go for the alternative/renewable resources

Ø      To reduce the carbon footprint and GHG emissions

Ø      To prevent deforestation

Ø      To promote agriculture- to reduce the use of chemicals as fertilizers- To reduce the soil/ground water pollution

Ø      To understand the interdependence of Environment, Health, Safety & Happiness and follow the holistic strategies to ensure the overall growth.

Ø      To take up Sustainability initiatives to take care of the future generations.

Ø      To optimize the energy consumption

Ø      To protect the biodiversity & ensure ecological balance

Ø      To ensure proper earthing of all the electrical appliances

Ø      To be a ‘Down to Earth’ person always

From our Birth to Death on the Earth, let our journey be so environment-friendly that we and the earth mutually protect each other always…


Unknown said...


Sunita Mishra said...

Very informative


Very nice

Renuka Pawar said...

We want to try these things.

Unknown said...

Sir Amhi Maitrini, in the name of Phoenix Group, Sirsala, Ta. Parli V.G. Beed. We have been trying since the year 2017 to make 'Harit Sirsala' here. Today, these trees are giving shade. We are confident that our journey will go a long way in saving the planet. We are happy that our hands are working to decorate this planet.happy arth day

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