Sunday 18 July 2021

New Learning from the Old Newton's Apple Story

We all know about the story of Newton’s apple tree - one day he observed the apple falling on the ground from the tree & started thinking why it was falling down only & why not going upwards… That is the starting point of developing his theory of gravity and earth’s gravitational force. Now let us assume if we were there in the garden, we would have happily eaten the apple or we would have waited for a better apple to fall down… If we observe the difference, Newton’s focus was on the process of falling of the fruit, but not on the fruit itself. But, our focus might be on the fruits. Though there is a least possibility that Newton knows the Lord Krishna’s teachings of Bhagavad-Gita, he has followed it. Nishkaama Karma without phalaapeksha (work without thinking about the fruits/results) is an important thing told in Bhagawad Gita. We should concentrate on the process but not on the results. Efforts are in our hands, not the result (fruits).

Observe the analogy as follows-

Apple- Fruit- Result

Falling- Process

Living in the present, Enjoying the present moment with consciousness & mindfulness techniques also advise us to consciously observe the process without thinking of the result.

Please go through the following-

Newton's Apple Incident

Nishkaam Karma
