Friday 23 April 2021

Happy (World Book & Copyright Day + English Language Day)

23rd April is the death day of William Shakespeare and is considered to be his Birthday also as exactly the birthday was not recorded… But he was born in April…

The same day coincides with the birth & death days of other prominent authors also… Thus, it is decided by the UNESCO to celebrate World Book & Copyright Day on April 23rd every year.

From Palm leaf & ink to the paper & pen, printing, e-books, it has taken several shapes as a medium of providing the intellectual content over the years.

Normally, we are in an apprehension that the books are meant to be read or studied… Just read few lines about ‘reading’…. But normally, we forget the important aspect of writing…

Ideally, both reading & writing should go hand in hand… As the reading improves our knowledge, writing improves our cognitive skills and enhances our creativity & innovative ideas… Writing a notes, journal/diary, an article, a book, poetry, prose or anything useful is the best habit to inculcate… It is a must for the researchers… It always forces you to continually improve your thought process. If we practice to be a critical reader, we can become a good writer… While reading, understand the concepts from the writer’s point of view… Just put yourself in the author’s shoes to identify the skills of writing…

In my view, reading is nothing but the process in which the writer in us critically follows the writer of the book to ignite new thoughts in our minds… the whole process adds value to us… As a writer, we should also follow the same… we should add value to the readers… In this reading & writing process, we should not make use of the others' ideas or texts… Using others’ ideas & texts without giving due credit to the author is called plagiarism… As the reading & writing are very important aspects of research, all the researchers should be careful to avoid plagiarism… To protect the text & ideas, copyrights act is enacted… Plagiarism is a punishable offence…  If we learn the art of critically reading the manuscripts & books, we will automatically get new ideas to contribute to the world… This is how we should nurture the creativity & innovation…

I have to bring one more perspective of looking at reading a book or manuscript, the moment we are reading a book, we will get confined to the thought process of that author if we are blindly following it… That’s why we should have an open & critical mind while reading so that we will have a sufficient scope for the new thoughts to bud… We should identify the thin line between getting into the author’s shoes & getting carried away by the author’s thought process… That line brings the scope for new thoughts… Let us explore those budding thoughts and make them blossom into a book or manuscript or a blog or a diary at least…

Most of the people still prefer to read the books in the physical form only… I want to discuss here about the advantages of e-books, audiobooks, though they have also got some pros & cons…

Advantages of e-books

Ø  Readers can customize the settings of the font, colour, background etc., to their comfort levels…

Ø  Very easy to share digitally

Ø  Can take a print anytime

Ø  Can save huge volumes in a smart device & carry & read anytime

Ø  No external lighting is required

Ø  Preservation is not a problem

Ø  Searching is very easy

Ø  Can highlight & take a note simultaneously

Ø  It is easy to use the dictionary or translator or any other useful digital application on the digital content…

Ø  It can be changed to other digital formats also as per convenience

Ø  The list goes on….

Ø  The audiobooks are very useful for those who have the problems in reading… They can get the knowledge by listening to the audiobooks.

Coming to English, English is the only language in the world in which most of the intellectual information is shared in terms of books, manuscripts, research papers, journals etc., Thus, we need to master this language a lot… Most of the Asian researchers face the problems in publishing due to the problems with their English language skills… Let us take the English Day (today) ( )as the opportunity to focus on our reading & writing skills of English & continually improve on it…

Let us make a habit of reading & writing books in English… All the Best…

I just recall the quote from William Shakespeare, “All the world’s a stage and all men and women are merely players”, which I had used in my blog post Be an 'Actor' of 'Emotions'.

Thursday 22 April 2021

Happy Earth Day

On 22nd April, every year, Earth Day is celebrated throughout the world to reunite all of our thoughts and efforts to save the Mother Earth… Let us first understand some basics about Earth & Earth Day…

The theme of this year is to “Restore Our Earth”

It is our prime responsibility to understand all the following terms and its importance…

Environment – Environmental protection

Ecology – Ecological balance


Green House Effect- Green House Gases – Global Warming – Climate Change

Energy sources- Fossil Fuels- Energy Conservation

Environmental Pollution- Carbon Footprint

Sustainability- Environment vs Development/Economy- Sustainable Development

Agriculture – Soil properties

Ground water, Forests


I have made an attempt in my previous blogs to introduce some concepts briefly… Actually, integrating all the above concepts will give us the holistic picture of the Environment Management to save the Mother Earth…



As per UN, the COVID-19 pandemic situation has also got an influence on the eco-system.


We have also seen earlier how the Health, Environment, Safety and Happiness are inter-related and interdependent.

If we see from the technical perspective-

Earth has the gravitational force which is pulling us towards the centre of the earth, thus facilitating to hold the things on the surface of the Earth… We all know the importance of Earth in the Electrical & Electronics fields… With its zero potential, how it is protecting us… Earth also behaves a natural magnet and provides the North & South poles for the magnetism. The list goes on….

Spiritually, Earth is considered as the Mother-God & is worshipped. We would have heard “Down to Earth” while describing the personality trait of a person… Lack of Ego is the important aspect of Learning and Growth… Moreover, Earth is the symbol of Patience, Endurance, Strength, Vastness/Broadness, Inclusive Nature, Embeddedness, Supporting Nature… These are some of the psychological factors we can learn from the Earth…

Considering all these aspects into account, let us try to follow some of the following responsibilities-

Ø      To conserve the natural resources & go for the alternative/renewable resources

Ø      To reduce the carbon footprint and GHG emissions

Ø      To prevent deforestation

Ø      To promote agriculture- to reduce the use of chemicals as fertilizers- To reduce the soil/ground water pollution

Ø      To understand the interdependence of Environment, Health, Safety & Happiness and follow the holistic strategies to ensure the overall growth.

Ø      To take up Sustainability initiatives to take care of the future generations.

Ø      To optimize the energy consumption

Ø      To protect the biodiversity & ensure ecological balance

Ø      To ensure proper earthing of all the electrical appliances

Ø      To be a ‘Down to Earth’ person always

From our Birth to Death on the Earth, let our journey be so environment-friendly that we and the earth mutually protect each other always…

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Happy World Health Day

First of all, let us understand what Health is… as per World Health Organization (WHO), “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Every year, on 7th April, World Health Day is celebrated to promote good Health in the world… This year the theme is “Building a Fairer, Healthier World for Everyone”. As we have seen in this pandemic, some countries, some regions got badly affected compared to some countries in the world… As per the principles of WHO, “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”. It is the high time that all the people in the entire world should unite and cooperate each other to fight against this deadly virus…  सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः (Sarve Bhavanthu Sukhinaha) is the Sanskrit verse for the universal prayer for a happy life to all… Sarve Janah Sukhinobhavanthu… Let all people live happily… लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु || - Happy World - A Prospective Perspective


We have already seen the holistic view of interdependency of Health, Safety, Environment with Happiness… good health is in our hands only… Maintaining good health is in our hands only.

Now let us see the ‘health’ through the holistic spectrum…

Our body is an organization functioning through several complex sub-systems (processes) in perfect coordination & cooperation similar to various functional departments in a business organization. The health of the organization is defined as the integration of the performance of each & every component of the sub-system. If it is matching with the desired performance then we can call the organization is healthy… Managing the health of this organization depends on how much clearly, we understand the various systems and their interdependencies, their roles and importance…

We all know every process (system) or sub-process (subsystem) has inputs and outputs… The efficiency of that system is defined as the output divided by the input… The quality of the output is directly dependent on the quality of the input…

The inputs (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste) to the body are taken through the 5 sensory organs (eyes, ears, skin, nose, and mouth). These inputs are fed to both the psychological & physiological processes, thus greatly influence the performance & outcomes… Using proper controls in the input may enhance the performance of the process and yield good results… Thus, being mindful of whatever is fed to the body is very important in ensuring the overall health of the systems.

What we sow is what we reap… If we feed healthy food to the body, systems will be healthy, we will be healthy… So let us feed a well-balanced, nutritious diet to our body which consists of proteins, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fibres, anti-oxidants etc… We should understand the importance of each & every component in these and ensure the proper mix of these in desired proportions…  

Healthy Diet  is the key for Holistic Health… 

Ideally, we should go for the natural (raw) food (without chemicals & pesticides)… we should reduce carbohydrates… we should reduce fat, sugar, salt intake… All these suggestions we often listen… We should be mindful of designing our meal (input)… Both quality & quantity are to be monitored and optimized to ensure optimal performance of the systems… We will take one example… We are often advised to increase the vegetable curries or green vegetables or cereals, pulses ( proteins) percentage in the meal & reduce the rice/ roti (carbohydrates) percentage… Suppose 100gm vegetable curry/daal consumes 1gm of salt & 5gm of oil… If we double the quantity of curry or daal in our meal & obviously major part of our meal is with good things only, so we think it is a good diet… but we forget to consider that the intake of salt & oil also has also been doubled to maintain the same taste… Thus, again it does not help to ensure holistic health… Being mindful of this, for good health, we should either compromise on taste or to go for healthy alternatives… Always take the advice from the qualified nutritionist… The imbalance in the diet may lead to imbalance in the systems & may adversely affect the health…Let us plan our meal to ensure a sustainable health in future…

Thus, the quantity& quality of the inputs to the body are to be so controlled that those enhance the efficiency & effectiveness of all the sub-systems & the systems of the body to ensure the sustainable holistic health of this complex but yet beautiful organization.


Please click on my previous posts on Health…

Whose Wealth is Our Health?

“Test” for the “Best“

‘Dynamic’ or ‘Diabetic’?

Know the Numbers and Optimize the Blood Pressure...

Integrating Yoga, Meditation & Music...

Is “Yoga” only to cure “Roga”?

Happy World Mental Health Day