Thursday 7 April 2016

‘Dynamic’ or ‘Diabetic’?

Environments which are external or internal to the people, business, workplace, society & nature etc., are changing dynamically to cause a dynamic change in the health of these systems. This in turn causes a dynamic change in the health of our body & mind also. Those who can produce a dynamic response to these changes can only sustain with good health.  Diabetes is termed as a Life Style disease as it affects the people, who do not make the changes in their life style to combat the life style changes happening due to the environment.  Self discipline & control in food habits, walking, exercises, yoga & meditation etc do keep the sugar levels under control. Let us be dynamic rather than diabetic. There are many cases in which the people do not know that they are diabetic unless they undergo the tests for some other reasons. Thus, it is always advisable to check the sugar levels. Please go through my previous posts,  Let us be dynamic in bringing awareness to the diabetic that optimizing the following are the key in optimizing the sugar levels-
  • Regular health check up
  • Standard diet plan
  • Medication & Meditation
  • Exercises
  • Confidence

Diabetes is a life style disorder which demands for the disciplined life style. It is not a big disease when controlled with good discipline. Thus, it can be preventable. If it is neglected, it may become the root cause for several chronic diseases and disorders. 

Today (7Th April, 2016) is the World Health Day meant for spreading health awareness. The theme for this year by WHO (World Health Organization) is "Halt the rise: beat diabetes".

To know more about the diabetes please go through the links of WHO website

The world health day themes of the previous years are available here

Let everyday be a Happy & Healthy Day...