Monday 29 March 2021

Add Colours to Life – Happy Holi

We all know that Holi is the festival of colours.

We all know VIBGYOR is the acronym for the colours… The primary colours are Red, Green & Blue and the combination of all the colours is White (Reflection)… Lack of colours is Black (Absorption)…

Now let us see how the colours are tied with the emotions & psychology… Colours have an influence on the emotions of the people and the emotions are also represented by the colours… Let us now just understand the Color Psychology here

If we bring the analogy between colours and emotions,

There may be good emotions (represented by some colours) and bad emotions (represented by some colours)… The mix of these emotions and our response to it determines our Personality & Behaviour. However, proper blending of these emotions (colours) is required to achieve the level of Self Actualization (White colour is the combination of all the colours)…  White is considered to be a reflection of Purity (Soul)… After the birth (Plain emotion=Pure soul=White), we start adding different emotions and perceptions (different colours) to life… but in the process we forget to realize that it is in our hands to properly mix these (emotions=colours) to achieve the enlightenment (self actualization= White)…. The conscious attempt to properly mix these mindfully will enhance our Emotional Intelligence as well as the Spiritual Intelligence…

Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it… Danny Kaye

Be a painter; Add colours to Life to make it more Vibrant & Beautiful… ResearchSubbu

Happy Holi


Unknown said...

Burnout all *Hatred* in 'U'
*Over* all the creatures of God
*Learn* how to be happy in ur Life.. and try to...
*Inspire* everyone with ur attitude or character and try to fill every one's life with different shades of colours....
Sir.. whatever u have said is 💯 percent true... Everything is in our hands... S v r the painter's... V need to choose the appropriate combinations of colours... That will make our life more better and comfortable...
Sir.. has v know the Maslow's hierarchy theory.... The final will be the self actualization needs.... Here all the human beings...will get satisfaction only when they achieve or satisfy self actualization needs... Then only they feel..that they have a bright and colourful life....

ResearchSubbu said...

Very nicely written Acronym for HOLI... Thank u very much for ur valuable feedback...

Ravinder kour said...

All the colours have their own significance in life both EQ and SQ are important fir self actualization it is important ti develop the virtues in life.very beautifully written in light of holi festival

Unknown said...

Vry nice
Happy Holi
Sry for late rply

Chhaya dadhwal said...

Happy holi

Sharda Kolteke said...

Very nice ������

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