Friday 19 August 2022

Lord Shri Krishna – The Real Supreme Hero

We all accept that the world is a stage and we all are actors. God is the Writer and the Director. We have to follow the roles and responsibilities as per the God’s script. For further details, please go through my previous blogs related to this concept –

Be an 'Actor' of 'Emotions' -

Be a 'Star Actor' in Reel & Real Life -

In continuation to those, now I have come up with one more addition. The God Vishnu took 10 avathars (Dashavatharams) – 10 manifestations. It means that God, who is the Creator, Writer & Director also has played a role of a Hero in these 10 plays on the world stage along with all the remaining people. He has set an example to the world how to act on the stage of life. Just imagine how lucky the people would have been to act with the God Himself, be His parents, guru, wife, son, friend, villain, whatever may be. That is why even the villains in these great scripts also got Moksha.

The Krishna Avatar especially is known for its versatility. Lord Krishna showed several Leelas in His life. Right from the childhood, He faced several challenges, but always with a smile and pleasantness. Right from taking birth in the jail, fighting with several demons, He has always shown the courage to handle the challenges with a smile, even at the small age. He has been playful at the young age and was known for romance. But He has performed all His duties & responsibilities as a King.

He has set an example of friendship by being the friend of a poor man Sudama. Lord Krishna stood on the side of Dharma (on Pandavas side). Coming to Kurukshetra, the ultimate war, He would have killed Kauravas as He is the Supreme Power Himself. But, awakened Arjuna to fight the war and Krishna led Him by becoming His Charioteer. This is what I really admire about Lord Krishna. Just observe how much respect He gives to His own written script (Karma). As per the script, Arjuna should fight the war. In previous blog also I mentioned that a Star actor never interferes in the role of a junior actor. In fact, he encourages the junior to perform well. Setting an example, Lord Krishna motivated Arjuna to perform his role in the war rather than taking over the charge & finishing the war.

From this, we should learn how down to earth we should be while performing our roles. We should respect the script & our roles and others’ roles too. Just remember how sincerely Lord Krishna followed His own written script. We all are blessed to be the actors on the stage on which once upon a time Lord Krishna also performed.

Let the Real Supreme Hero, Creator, Script Writer & Director Lord Krishna direct us on this stage of Life.

Sunday 5 June 2022

Happy World Environment Day - Slogans

Every year on 5th June, World Environment Day is celebrated. This year the theme is "Only One Earth".

These are my slogans on Environment - 

Let us bow down to Earth

for every breath from birth to death


Let our behavior change

to prevent the climate change


Let us plant a tree

to make the Earth pollution free


Always be responsible

to make the earth sustainable


Pollution Prevention

Energy Conservation

are the steps for Earth Preservation


Ecofriendly electricity generation

ensures sustainability to future generation


Ensuring sustainability

is our ability & responsibility

to maintain ecological stability


Our nature & culture

is to respect Nature


Plant and Planet are in God’s Plan

Don’t Play with them

"Only One Earth" - Happy World Environment Day

This year the World Environment Day theme is “Only One Earth “.

My reflections on this theme are -


In this universe, there are several planets. Earth is one among them. The unique feature of the earth is - it is made to be suitable for the habitat. It provides a conducive environment to so many species for living. The environment includes several layers such as tropospehere, stratosphere, mesospehere etc… The atmosphere on Earth consists of air, water, fire etc. which are essential for the living beings and maintains an ecological balance among all the living organisms & systems. In Indian tradition, the Earth is considered to be the Goddess or Mother. In Electricity, Earth is very important as it provides zero potential and protection against the electric shock. In agriculture & forests, earth provides the fertile land for growth of plants. This is how the Human existence, culture and nature are interdependent on the Nature. But due to the advancement of technology, growth, greed & other aspects, deforestation, emission of Green House gases, Choloro flouro carbons etc., pollution and ecological imbalance, the Earth is suffering, in turn, the future generations are going to suffer. Thus, the unique planet Earth is to be protected to protect ourselves and future generations.

The causes of concern for the Earth Protection are -

Green House Effect – Climate change

The greenhouse gases such as CO, CO2, methane etc., form a layer to reflect back the heat reflected from the surface of the earth. Thus, they are supposed to maintain the temperature of the Earth’s surface. But as the GHG emissions are increasing, the earth’s surface temperature is increasing. It is resulting in melting of glaciers & other ill effects to the Earth atmosphere. That is termed as Climate Change which needs to be addressed.

Ozone Layer Depletion

The Choloro Flouro Carbons (CFCs) used in the ACs & refrigerators are damaging the ozone layer. Basically, ozone layer is the protective layer formed over the earth in the stratosphere to filter the UV rays coming from the Sun. If that gets depleted due to CFCs then the UV rays reach the Earth & may cause cancers and other problems to the habitat. Thus, the ecofriendly alternatives to CFCs are to be used.

Ecological Balance – Biodiversity

The very nature of the Nature is to be at balance always. So the Nature knows how to balance itself in the due course. But, the human beings with their physical & mental power alter the balance and create problems to the earth’s ecosystems. The Nature reciprocates with a same kind of response. Thus, understanding the interdependency and taking care of ecological balance is very essential while doing any activity.

Natural Resources – Energy Conservation – Clean Technologies

The growth of human beings is directly related to the use of energy. The fossil fuels usage in energy generation is causing pollution and extinction of those scarce natural resources. Thus, alternative technologies or renewable energy sources are to be used to conserve these natural resources.

Agriculture – Pollution

Cultivation/Agriculture is very essential for food for the humanbeings. But, in the entire food supply chain, there is an amount of pollution at each & every level which is adding a carbon footprint on the earth. The pesticides used, the vehicles used etc are some of the examples. Thus, every process needs to be reviewed and made ecofriendly to protect the environment and the Mother Earth.

Deforestation – Green Cover

As the population is increasing, the forest cover is decreasing for several reasons such as living space or for agriculture etc. The forests are very important for the green cover as well as biodiversity. Both are getting adversely affected due to deforestation. Moreover, the deforestation makes the soil loose and may be a cause for floods etc. Thus, protecting the green cover is very crucial to protect the ecological balance, thus, the earth.


Earth takes care of us with full of love & care. Let us reciprocate the same with our Mother Earth. Let us bow down to Earth for every breath from birth to death. Let us be one among the many to protect the only one Earth.

Please go through my previous blogs on Environment...

Turn Inwards & Outwards - Rethink & Restore the Ecosystems – Happy World Environment Day

Happy Earth Day

Save the Environment & Biodiversity from the “Inhumanity in Humanity”

Happy "World Environment Day"

"Protect the Ozone Layer" to "Get Protected"

Environment & Sustainability

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Decide to Quit Tobacco or World - Happy World No Tobacco Day

Today is “World No Tobacco Day”. This year the theme is “Tobacco: Threat to the Environment”. Tobacco damages not only our health, others’ health but also the health of the environment. Over million people are killed by tobacco every year. As per WHO, cigarettes are made by cutting 600,000,000 trees. 84,000,000 Tonnes of Co2 emissions in the air and 22,000,000,000 Tonnes of water consumption is due to cigarette manufacturing. This is how the entire supply chain of cigarettes is affecting the environment adversely and poisoning us and the environment as well.

Ultimately the tobacco especially smoking poses several hazards such as -

Health Hazards – Cancer, lungs, heart diseases, diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and many life style disorders.

Environment Hazards – Deforestation, Natural resource consumption, Emission of Green House Gases, water consumption in the entire supply chain, pollution.

Safety Hazards – May be a source of fire (Fire Hazard)

Tobacco gives a temporary thrill with a permanent damage. Thus, let us quit tobacco otherwise we have to quit the world later because the Nature won't allow us to damage it. It takes its revenge. It reciprocates in the same manner as we treat it. This is what has been consistently explained in my previous blogs on environment. 

Quitting either tobacco or world is our choice.

My previous blog “Commit to Quit Tobacco – Happy World Tobacco Day” will  help you in quitting tobacco…

Let us protect ourselves and environment by quitting tobacco.

Friday 13 May 2022

My Birthday Special Blog on "Safety"...

Today, on my birthday, I have come up with a story to tell you…

Person-A1 drinks a liquid blindly under the influence of the friends, colleagues or the boss or someone (B1) without further questioning/reasoning or using his own logical thinking. A1 meets with an accident & dies. The liquid may be alcohol or poison.

Person-A2 keeps on questioning B2 until A2 is convinced that the liquid is safe and is required to be drunk. B2 explains clearly why it is important. A2 lives forever as the liquid has become nectar (Amrit).

Moral of the story: Never take any decision under the influence of others. Use the discretion. You are responsible for your decisions, safety, life. Moreover, guiding someone wrongly will be dangerous.

Have you guessed who are A1,B1,A2,B2? Now I explain you with an analogy from the epic Mahabharata…

A1= Karna

B1= Dhuryodhana

A2= Arjuna

B2= Krishna

Now please re-read the above story again…

In A1-B1 case, the logical thinking & discretion was hijacked by the Swami Bhakthi of Karna.

In A2-B2 case, just before Kurukshetra, Arjuna asks Krishna a lot of questions such as why the war & so on… and he wants to quit the battlefield. Then, Lord Krishna explains the requirement and convinces him through Bhagawadgita. Arjuna after getting convinced, goes to the battlefield and wins… That’s why Arjuna is called Vijeya & Krishna the Jagatguru.

The point here is Arjuna expressed his doubts so politely even to the God though the God Himself was instructing him. After getting the clarity only he moved ahead. Whereas, Karna blindly considered Dhuryodana as God and followed his instructions without exercising discretion & reasoning and we all know the result. Here, one more observation is - whenever we are guiding someone, it should be on the right path… If we wrongly guide like Dhuryodhana did, then we will take so many other people along with us into misery.

Takeaway: Always we should clarify our doubts and questions before commencement of any work or decision making with the people who are guiding or instructing us. Be polite like Arjuna. The instructor or the peers or the boss who are guiding someone should be like Lord Krishna to convince through their discussion with full of logic similar to Bhagawadgita. Moreover, we can observe how Shri Krishna is with Arjuna throughout the war driving him to the victory.

Application: Always remember the combinations A1-B1, A2-B2 & choose wisely in which combination you want to be in the daily life, safety at work, career guidance, counselling, any decision making or in any other similar situation where your discretion is warranted.

Thursday 12 May 2022

Happy International Nurses Day

To commemorate the birthday of Florence Nightingale, every year International Nurses Day is celebrated on 12th May. We all know about “Lady with the Lamp”, Florence Nightingale, a great nurse who has contributed a lot to the nursing profession. In fact, she is the founder of modern nursing. The most important I want to highlight today is her great contributions to Statistics. Yes… She was a great statistician too. She used to use the Polar Area Diagram, also called Nightingale Rose Diagram, which is similar to the modern histogram.

You can see the Nightingale Rose Diagram here…

She was the first female member of Royal Statistical Society and later became the honorary member of the American Statistical Association.

This is a source of inspiration for the cross-functional performance at work and interdisciplinarity in education.

Now coming to this year’s theme for International Nurses Day…. A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health

During the pandemic, the entire world has recognized the importance of the front line warriors especially the nurses. Their contributions are immense to humankind.

The multi-skills we can appreciate in the nurses are-

·         Empathy/Compassion

·         Self/Patient Care

·         Patience/Hope/Optimism/Perseverance

·         Learning/Knowledge/Experience

·         Analytical

·         Communication

·         Emergency Preparedness

·         Emotional Intelligence

·         Social Intelligence

·         Physical Fitness

Let us all salute the services provided by the nurses to the humanity for making the world  a Happy & Healthy place to live in...

Thursday 7 April 2022

Creating a Healthy & Happy World – Happy World Health Day

April 7th is World Health Day commemorating the founding of Who (World Health Organization) in 1948. This year the theme is “Our planet, our health”. It is basically stressing on the interdependency of health of the human-beings on that of the planet. As per WHO, 13million deaths occur throughout the world only due to the environmental causes which can be avoided. Climate crisis is creating the health crisis also. We pollute the environment and break the ecological balance, environment affects our health badly in return. This vicious cycle continues unless the humankind is well aware of the interdependency and consciously make attempts to convert this vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle.

Today, let us see the extension of the concept told in my previous blog Whose Wealth is Our Health? . In that blog I have discussed the health of the costume (body) giving reference to Bhagawad Gita. Again, we will take the similar analogy that life is a play… we all are actors… our body is the costume to be returned healthy after the play… But what about the stage? World or Planet is the stage on which all the actors (human-beings, animals) perform together. We have no right to damage the stage or harm the other actors. If we turn inwards, it is our internal health. If we turn outwards, it is the external environment. This is how the health of the planet is our health. Thus, Turn Inwards & Outwards - Rethink & Restore the Ecosystems – Happy World Environment Day

One more important aspect as per WHO is the role of Sustainable Development in Health. The inequalities in economy, resources etc among the different countries in the world is also affecting the health. Recent COVID-19 pandemic is the best example. If some countries are not able to afford the cost of medicines, vaccines and other infrastructure required to handle the pandemic, or the economy was not supporting lockdowns or social distancing etc., we cannot completely end the pandemic. From there it again spreads. That’s how pandemic has taught us that world is a global village not only in terms of IT alone, but also in terms of economy, environment & health also. Thus, the socioeconomic, political factors also have a greater influence of the health. Thus, we should have a holistic view towards health and contribute for Sustainable Development for our own Sustainable Health.

Last year, in my blog (Happy World Health Day, I brought an analogy of the internal systems of the body to the management systems of the business organization.  In continuation to that concept, this year, I say we are responsible for implementing the changes suggested (medical advice) given by the business consultant (doctor). Business consultant is the expert in business who is hired to help us in implementing policies or bring out changes (eg. Business Process Reengineering/Strategic Planning) to ensure the healthiness & sustainability of the business organization. The health consultant (doctor) helps us in bringing the changes (Life Style changes) required for health & sustainability. Medical advice is the provision of a formal professional opinion regarding what a specific individual should or should not do to restore or preserve health. You can observe “Ädv” (means Advice) written on the doctor’s prescription sheet in which they write the preliminary diagnosis and the medical advice in that.

Ultimately, everything is in our hands to implement as per the advice or not. So, think wisely and act accordingly as per the advice of the experts.

Please go through my previous blogs on Health & Environment and the Mindful Eating for Holistic Health Series on my YouTube channel-

Mindful Eating for Holistic Health / Mindful Eating Series:



“Test” for the “Best”

Know the Numbers and Optimize the Blood Pressure...

‘Dynamic’ or ‘Diabetic’?

"If not now, When?" - Happy World Diabetes Day

Whose Wealth is Our Health?

Commit to Quit Tobacco – Happy World No Tobacco Day

Happy World Health Day

Wishing Happy, Safe, Healthy & Eco-friendly New Year…

Everything is in Your Hands



Turn Inwards & Outwards - Rethink & Restore the Ecosystems – Happy World Environment Day

Happy Earth Day

Save the Environment & Biodiversity from the “Inhumanity in Humanity”

Happy "World Environment Day"

"Protect the Ozone Layer" to "Get Protected"

Environment & Sustainability