Sunday 5 June 2022

"Only One Earth" - Happy World Environment Day

This year the World Environment Day theme is “Only One Earth “.

My reflections on this theme are -


In this universe, there are several planets. Earth is one among them. The unique feature of the earth is - it is made to be suitable for the habitat. It provides a conducive environment to so many species for living. The environment includes several layers such as tropospehere, stratosphere, mesospehere etc… The atmosphere on Earth consists of air, water, fire etc. which are essential for the living beings and maintains an ecological balance among all the living organisms & systems. In Indian tradition, the Earth is considered to be the Goddess or Mother. In Electricity, Earth is very important as it provides zero potential and protection against the electric shock. In agriculture & forests, earth provides the fertile land for growth of plants. This is how the Human existence, culture and nature are interdependent on the Nature. But due to the advancement of technology, growth, greed & other aspects, deforestation, emission of Green House gases, Choloro flouro carbons etc., pollution and ecological imbalance, the Earth is suffering, in turn, the future generations are going to suffer. Thus, the unique planet Earth is to be protected to protect ourselves and future generations.

The causes of concern for the Earth Protection are -

Green House Effect – Climate change

The greenhouse gases such as CO, CO2, methane etc., form a layer to reflect back the heat reflected from the surface of the earth. Thus, they are supposed to maintain the temperature of the Earth’s surface. But as the GHG emissions are increasing, the earth’s surface temperature is increasing. It is resulting in melting of glaciers & other ill effects to the Earth atmosphere. That is termed as Climate Change which needs to be addressed.

Ozone Layer Depletion

The Choloro Flouro Carbons (CFCs) used in the ACs & refrigerators are damaging the ozone layer. Basically, ozone layer is the protective layer formed over the earth in the stratosphere to filter the UV rays coming from the Sun. If that gets depleted due to CFCs then the UV rays reach the Earth & may cause cancers and other problems to the habitat. Thus, the ecofriendly alternatives to CFCs are to be used.

Ecological Balance – Biodiversity

The very nature of the Nature is to be at balance always. So the Nature knows how to balance itself in the due course. But, the human beings with their physical & mental power alter the balance and create problems to the earth’s ecosystems. The Nature reciprocates with a same kind of response. Thus, understanding the interdependency and taking care of ecological balance is very essential while doing any activity.

Natural Resources – Energy Conservation – Clean Technologies

The growth of human beings is directly related to the use of energy. The fossil fuels usage in energy generation is causing pollution and extinction of those scarce natural resources. Thus, alternative technologies or renewable energy sources are to be used to conserve these natural resources.

Agriculture – Pollution

Cultivation/Agriculture is very essential for food for the humanbeings. But, in the entire food supply chain, there is an amount of pollution at each & every level which is adding a carbon footprint on the earth. The pesticides used, the vehicles used etc are some of the examples. Thus, every process needs to be reviewed and made ecofriendly to protect the environment and the Mother Earth.

Deforestation – Green Cover

As the population is increasing, the forest cover is decreasing for several reasons such as living space or for agriculture etc. The forests are very important for the green cover as well as biodiversity. Both are getting adversely affected due to deforestation. Moreover, the deforestation makes the soil loose and may be a cause for floods etc. Thus, protecting the green cover is very crucial to protect the ecological balance, thus, the earth.


Earth takes care of us with full of love & care. Let us reciprocate the same with our Mother Earth. Let us bow down to Earth for every breath from birth to death. Let us be one among the many to protect the only one Earth.

Please go through my previous blogs on Environment...

Turn Inwards & Outwards - Rethink & Restore the Ecosystems – Happy World Environment Day

Happy Earth Day

Save the Environment & Biodiversity from the “Inhumanity in Humanity”

Happy "World Environment Day"

"Protect the Ozone Layer" to "Get Protected"

Environment & Sustainability

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