Sunday 5 June 2022

Happy World Environment Day - Slogans

Every year on 5th June, World Environment Day is celebrated. This year the theme is "Only One Earth".

These are my slogans on Environment - 

Let us bow down to Earth

for every breath from birth to death


Let our behavior change

to prevent the climate change


Let us plant a tree

to make the Earth pollution free


Always be responsible

to make the earth sustainable


Pollution Prevention

Energy Conservation

are the steps for Earth Preservation


Ecofriendly electricity generation

ensures sustainability to future generation


Ensuring sustainability

is our ability & responsibility

to maintain ecological stability


Our nature & culture

is to respect Nature


Plant and Planet are in God’s Plan

Don’t Play with them

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good captions
"Save Earth" is also required to spread the message to all. The activities required is to be brought down to simple steps.

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