Thursday 7 April 2022

Creating a Healthy & Happy World – Happy World Health Day

April 7th is World Health Day commemorating the founding of Who (World Health Organization) in 1948. This year the theme is “Our planet, our health”. It is basically stressing on the interdependency of health of the human-beings on that of the planet. As per WHO, 13million deaths occur throughout the world only due to the environmental causes which can be avoided. Climate crisis is creating the health crisis also. We pollute the environment and break the ecological balance, environment affects our health badly in return. This vicious cycle continues unless the humankind is well aware of the interdependency and consciously make attempts to convert this vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle.

Today, let us see the extension of the concept told in my previous blog Whose Wealth is Our Health? . In that blog I have discussed the health of the costume (body) giving reference to Bhagawad Gita. Again, we will take the similar analogy that life is a play… we all are actors… our body is the costume to be returned healthy after the play… But what about the stage? World or Planet is the stage on which all the actors (human-beings, animals) perform together. We have no right to damage the stage or harm the other actors. If we turn inwards, it is our internal health. If we turn outwards, it is the external environment. This is how the health of the planet is our health. Thus, Turn Inwards & Outwards - Rethink & Restore the Ecosystems – Happy World Environment Day

One more important aspect as per WHO is the role of Sustainable Development in Health. The inequalities in economy, resources etc among the different countries in the world is also affecting the health. Recent COVID-19 pandemic is the best example. If some countries are not able to afford the cost of medicines, vaccines and other infrastructure required to handle the pandemic, or the economy was not supporting lockdowns or social distancing etc., we cannot completely end the pandemic. From there it again spreads. That’s how pandemic has taught us that world is a global village not only in terms of IT alone, but also in terms of economy, environment & health also. Thus, the socioeconomic, political factors also have a greater influence of the health. Thus, we should have a holistic view towards health and contribute for Sustainable Development for our own Sustainable Health.

Last year, in my blog (Happy World Health Day, I brought an analogy of the internal systems of the body to the management systems of the business organization.  In continuation to that concept, this year, I say we are responsible for implementing the changes suggested (medical advice) given by the business consultant (doctor). Business consultant is the expert in business who is hired to help us in implementing policies or bring out changes (eg. Business Process Reengineering/Strategic Planning) to ensure the healthiness & sustainability of the business organization. The health consultant (doctor) helps us in bringing the changes (Life Style changes) required for health & sustainability. Medical advice is the provision of a formal professional opinion regarding what a specific individual should or should not do to restore or preserve health. You can observe “Ädv” (means Advice) written on the doctor’s prescription sheet in which they write the preliminary diagnosis and the medical advice in that.

Ultimately, everything is in our hands to implement as per the advice or not. So, think wisely and act accordingly as per the advice of the experts.

Please go through my previous blogs on Health & Environment and the Mindful Eating for Holistic Health Series on my YouTube channel-

Mindful Eating for Holistic Health / Mindful Eating Series:



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