Friday 19 February 2021

Happy Ratha Saptami - Happy (Surya+Shivaji+Narmada) Jayanthi

Today is the special and auspicious day as we celebrate the birthdays of Lord Surya-The Sun God, Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj- The Maratha Emperor and Narmada- a river in India. The birthdays of Lord Surya & Narmada river fall on the same day according to Indian Lunar calendar- Shukla Saptami of Magha Maasa. Shivaji Jayanthi is celebrated every year on 19th February as per Julian Date.

Please go through the following to know the significance of these-

As these three festivals are being celebrated locally confined to certain regions of the country, the coincidence of these falling on the same day reiterates the Unity in Diversity of India…

Moreover this depicts how much Indians are concerned about the Nature (Considering Sun, Rivers etc as Gods and celebrating the birthdays auspiciously) and rich culture & patriotism (Shivaji). Nature and Culture have always been the integral part of rich religious tradition of India.

Now let me discuss my perspectives about Lord Surya- The Sun God


Energy- We all know Solar Energy is the Renewable,  Inexhaustible and Freely available Energy coming from the Sun. As the energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be converted into other forms, Solar energy is also converted to chemical energy, heat energy, light energy, electricity etc. and can be saved for its use in the night time also (Batteries).

Light- The Sun gives the natural light to the earth. Maximum usage of the natural light is the key for designing green buildings now a days.

Environment & Ecology-

We know the importance of Sunlight for the photosynthesis of the plants.

The role of the Sun in Green House Effect-


Source of D-Vitamin

Surya Namaskara



The Sun is the Centre of the Solar System

Time Measurement

In good olden days, people used to depend on the Sun for measuring the time. Even the calendar is also based on the Sun. Such Sun dials can be seen in India in the form of Jantar Mantar.,measured%20from%20the%20local%20meridian.


Most of the rituals in India are integrated with the worship of the Sun God.


There are a lot of things we can learn from the Sun.

The Sun makes the Moon shine. We should also inspire others with our positivity to make them shine in their lives. Teachers are the best examples.

The Sun rides the 7 horses (7 colours VIBGYOR) and brings white colour. The moment we say 7, it brings the famous book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” to my mind. We should also master those 7 habits similar to the Sun riding the Seven horses in his journey.

Impartiality, generosity are some of the other good qualities we can learn from the Sun.

The Sun does his job dawn to dusk without worrying about the clouds and other weather conditions. From this, we should learn the dedication, focus, stability, consistency, integrity and loyalty etc.

Make the Hay while the Sun Shines…

Similarly think of the inspirations that can be drawn from Shivaji, Narmada…

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