Monday 7 November 2016

Pollution-Natural Environment//Corruption-Total Environment

Pollution spoils only the natural environment whereas the corruption spoils the entire environment. It spreads like cancer to damage all the systems in place. To combat the corruption, values, morals & ethics are to be reinforced at all levels though they are primarily implanted at school & family levels. Self vigilance, if practiced properly, boosts an individual to make the the systems healthy & strong without the corruption. If corruption is the virus in the system, self-vigilance backed up with values, morals & ethics will be the perfect anti-virus.
The Government of India celebrates Vigilance Awareness Week every year in Oct/Nov months to spread the dream of corruption-free India. The theme for 2016 is " Public Participation in Promoting Integrity & Eradicating Corruption" as the government alone cannot achieve the goal without the effective participation from the people at large.
Here are some of the thoughts I would like to share on the above theme...

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