Sunday 29 August 2021

Sportsmanship - The Key to Success - Happy National Sports Day

National Sports Day is celebrated in India on 29th Aug commemorating the birthday of world famous hockey player Major Dhyan Chand.

Life is a game & we all are players. God is the umpire. So, we need to cultivate good sportsmanship qualities in us… Let us try to learn & practice some of such qualities listed below… Try to identify these qualities in every sport and imbibe these qualities to improve yourself to be a better player every day…

  1. Integrity
  2. Respect for others
  3. Ethics
  4. Support
  5. Setting & Achieving Goals
  6. Will power
  7. Determination
  8. Patience, Perseverance
  9. Communication, Co.ordination, Co.operation, Competition
  10. Delegation
  11. Convincing power
  12. Inspiration
  13. Leadership
  14. Sthithpragnatha, Nishkaam Karma
  15. Endurance
  16. Stress management
  17. Physical/mental fitness
  18. Social, emotional intelligence
  19. Adapting change
  20. Decision making
  21. Taking Responsibility


Vishalini said...

Nice sir

Dr. Sarojbala Thokchom said...

Very Nice
Life is a game ....
We all are players....
God is the umpire.


super sir

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