Tuesday 31 May 2022

Decide to Quit Tobacco or World - Happy World No Tobacco Day

Today is “World No Tobacco Day”. This year the theme is “Tobacco: Threat to the Environment”. Tobacco damages not only our health, others’ health but also the health of the environment. Over million people are killed by tobacco every year. As per WHO, cigarettes are made by cutting 600,000,000 trees. 84,000,000 Tonnes of Co2 emissions in the air and 22,000,000,000 Tonnes of water consumption is due to cigarette manufacturing. This is how the entire supply chain of cigarettes is affecting the environment adversely and poisoning us and the environment as well.



Ultimately the tobacco especially smoking poses several hazards such as -

Health Hazards – Cancer, lungs, heart diseases, diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and many life style disorders.

Environment Hazards – Deforestation, Natural resource consumption, Emission of Green House Gases, water consumption in the entire supply chain, pollution.

Safety Hazards – May be a source of fire (Fire Hazard)

Tobacco gives a temporary thrill with a permanent damage. Thus, let us quit tobacco otherwise we have to quit the world later because the Nature won't allow us to damage it. It takes its revenge. It reciprocates in the same manner as we treat it. This is what has been consistently explained in my previous blogs on environment. 

Quitting either tobacco or world is our choice.

My previous blog “Commit to Quit Tobacco – Happy World Tobacco Day”  https://researchsubbu.blogspot.com/2021/05/commit-to-quit-tobacco-happy-world-no.html will  help you in quitting tobacco…

Let us protect ourselves and environment by quitting tobacco.

Friday 13 May 2022

My Birthday Special Blog on "Safety"...

Today, on my birthday, I have come up with a story to tell you…

Person-A1 drinks a liquid blindly under the influence of the friends, colleagues or the boss or someone (B1) without further questioning/reasoning or using his own logical thinking. A1 meets with an accident & dies. The liquid may be alcohol or poison.

Person-A2 keeps on questioning B2 until A2 is convinced that the liquid is safe and is required to be drunk. B2 explains clearly why it is important. A2 lives forever as the liquid has become nectar (Amrit).

Moral of the story: Never take any decision under the influence of others. Use the discretion. You are responsible for your decisions, safety, life. Moreover, guiding someone wrongly will be dangerous.

Have you guessed who are A1,B1,A2,B2? Now I explain you with an analogy from the epic Mahabharata…

A1= Karna

B1= Dhuryodhana

A2= Arjuna

B2= Krishna

Now please re-read the above story again…

In A1-B1 case, the logical thinking & discretion was hijacked by the Swami Bhakthi of Karna.

In A2-B2 case, just before Kurukshetra, Arjuna asks Krishna a lot of questions such as why the war & so on… and he wants to quit the battlefield. Then, Lord Krishna explains the requirement and convinces him through Bhagawadgita. Arjuna after getting convinced, goes to the battlefield and wins… That’s why Arjuna is called Vijeya & Krishna the Jagatguru.

The point here is Arjuna expressed his doubts so politely even to the God though the God Himself was instructing him. After getting the clarity only he moved ahead. Whereas, Karna blindly considered Dhuryodana as God and followed his instructions without exercising discretion & reasoning and we all know the result. Here, one more observation is - whenever we are guiding someone, it should be on the right path… If we wrongly guide like Dhuryodhana did, then we will take so many other people along with us into misery.

Takeaway: Always we should clarify our doubts and questions before commencement of any work or decision making with the people who are guiding or instructing us. Be polite like Arjuna. The instructor or the peers or the boss who are guiding someone should be like Lord Krishna to convince through their discussion with full of logic similar to Bhagawadgita. Moreover, we can observe how Shri Krishna is with Arjuna throughout the war driving him to the victory.

Application: Always remember the combinations A1-B1, A2-B2 & choose wisely in which combination you want to be in the daily life, safety at work, career guidance, counselling, any decision making or in any other similar situation where your discretion is warranted.

Thursday 12 May 2022

Happy International Nurses Day

To commemorate the birthday of Florence Nightingale, every year International Nurses Day is celebrated on 12th May. We all know about “Lady with the Lamp”, Florence Nightingale, a great nurse who has contributed a lot to the nursing profession. In fact, she is the founder of modern nursing. The most important I want to highlight today is her great contributions to Statistics. Yes… She was a great statistician too. She used to use the Polar Area Diagram, also called Nightingale Rose Diagram, which is similar to the modern histogram.


You can see the Nightingale Rose Diagram here…



She was the first female member of Royal Statistical Society and later became the honorary member of the American Statistical Association.

This is a source of inspiration for the cross-functional performance at work and interdisciplinarity in education.

Now coming to this year’s theme for International Nurses Day…. A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health

During the pandemic, the entire world has recognized the importance of the front line warriors especially the nurses. Their contributions are immense to humankind.

The multi-skills we can appreciate in the nurses are-

·         Empathy/Compassion

·         Self/Patient Care

·         Patience/Hope/Optimism/Perseverance

·         Learning/Knowledge/Experience

·         Analytical

·         Communication

·         Emergency Preparedness

·         Emotional Intelligence

·         Social Intelligence

·         Physical Fitness

Let us all salute the services provided by the nurses to the humanity for making the world  a Happy & Healthy place to live in...