Monday 29 March 2021

Add Colours to Life – Happy Holi

We all know that Holi is the festival of colours.

We all know VIBGYOR is the acronym for the colours… The primary colours are Red, Green & Blue and the combination of all the colours is White (Reflection)… Lack of colours is Black (Absorption)…

Now let us see how the colours are tied with the emotions & psychology… Colours have an influence on the emotions of the people and the emotions are also represented by the colours… Let us now just understand the Color Psychology here

If we bring the analogy between colours and emotions,

There may be good emotions (represented by some colours) and bad emotions (represented by some colours)… The mix of these emotions and our response to it determines our Personality & Behaviour. However, proper blending of these emotions (colours) is required to achieve the level of Self Actualization (White colour is the combination of all the colours)…  White is considered to be a reflection of Purity (Soul)… After the birth (Plain emotion=Pure soul=White), we start adding different emotions and perceptions (different colours) to life… but in the process we forget to realize that it is in our hands to properly mix these (emotions=colours) to achieve the enlightenment (self actualization= White)…. The conscious attempt to properly mix these mindfully will enhance our Emotional Intelligence as well as the Spiritual Intelligence…

Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it… Danny Kaye

Be a painter; Add colours to Life to make it more Vibrant & Beautiful… ResearchSubbu

Happy Holi

Saturday 20 March 2021

Happy 'Happiness Day'

Yesterday, it was World Sleep Day & today,  it is International Day of Happiness. The Sleep & Happiness compliment each other… When we have a sound sleep, we feel very happy… When we are happy, we get a sound sleep… That’s how both are mutually dependent on each other…

World Sleep Day is celebrated every year on the Friday before the northern hemisphere vernal equinox… This year it was on 19th March… The theme was “Regular Sleep for a Healthy Future”


A deep sleep recharges both our mind and body giving sufficient rest… It is said that we should not use the mobile while it is in charging… In the same way we should not make the mind & body work during the sleep as it is the recharging time… If we eat late, the liver will be still functioning to digest… if we eat heavy supper then it works more… Similarly, if we give a food for thought before the sleep, then it continues… So, before the sleep, ideally we should avoid all these & try to sleep peacefully… It is a conscious & mindful attempt to free from all to enjoy a pleasant sleep… It is as good as yoga nidra…

Lack of full sleep is like a debt… It gets accumulated, if we don’t repay it… If we don’t pay interest in having a sound sleep, we will be forced to pay huge interests accumulated on sleep debt… Still if we don’t take action, we will land in trouble… Both the health & wealth will be under danger…

As there is a mutual relation between Health & Happiness and are interdependent on each other, we should pursue both…

International Day of Happiness is celebrated every year on 20th March…

Happiness is defined in so many ways…

Earlier in my blog I said Happiness is the main goal of life…

So how far it is correct to measure the progress or success or development in monetary/economic/academic terms… This is the question we should all think of… Ideally, it should be on the basis of Happiness… Right? But can we measure Happiness?

There is only one country in the world which measures Happiness of its citizens and says it is the basis for the development… That country is Bhutan… It measures Gross National Happiness (GNH) in stead of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)…

After understanding the importance of Happiness, let us now focus on how to achieve it…

Happiness is neither created destroyed… But can be shared with others… Happiness has to be embraced...

We should spread Happiness around us always… Happiness can be short term or long term… Achieving the Sustainable Happiness should be our goal… Please go through the steps I mentioned in my earlier blog…

The key factors of Happiness are- Contentment, Gratitude, Humanity & Humility, Positivity, Discipline & Determination, Patience & Perseverance, Kindness & Love, Generosity … etc…

Let us try to mindfully attempt to enhance these good qualities for the pursuit of Happiness in life…

Someone may have the doubt that some of the factors said above contribute to success…how they are connected to Happiness…

Many people think, Success gives Happiness… but Happiness is beyond success… It includes the journey also… Happiness is a state of mind & a way of life… But success is materialistic in nature… It depends on achieving the sub-goals of life… That’s why being Happy is the biggest goal of life one can have…

Sustainable Happiness can only be achieved when we are on the right path with the holistic understanding… Otherwise we will fall a prey to the petty small things which give short term happiness…

Let us enjoy a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous Life…


Three ways you can celebrate the International Day of Happiness :


Do something for your own happiness - make time to do something you really enjoy, get moving outside, learn something new or write down three things you’re grateful for.


Do something for someone else - donate to a food bank or charity, text or call someone to tell them what you appreciate about them, volunteer in your local community.


Share the International Day Of Happiness with others and help more people get involved in the day and thinking about ways to promote happiness and mental health.


Monday 8 March 2021

Happy Women’s Day... Women EmPOWERment...

Today, i.e. on 8th March, every year, is celebrated as International Women’s Day.'s_Day

In India, we celebrate National Women’s Day on 13th Feb to commemorate the birthday of Sarojini Naidu

Some people say every day is a women’s day…

If we see Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Lover’s Day, Independence Day etc., ideally all these days are to be all the days in the year. But we celebrate them on a particular day commemorating someone or to focus on a particular theme… Some critics say they remember those on that particular day & forget on the remaining days… That’s why even I wrote in my blog also that let everyday be a safety Day, Environment Day etc.

Actually, if we see, all these people and emotions are really important to us on a continuous basis on the time scale. All these are a part of our life. Everything is important for us every day.

We can perceive the celebrations on these special days as the sources which reinforce or intensify the emotions, inspiration in us to recharge our mind to focus on these. They are like the reminders for enhancing the emotion towards them to create the new benchmarks every year for achieving the continual improvement in the concern, efforts made, emotions etc towards them… This is how all the special days are tied with a theme to focus on…

This year the theme of the International Women’s Day is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. In her statement for International Women's Day (8 March), UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka said: "We need women’s representation that reflects all women and girls in all their diversity and abilities, and across all cultural, social, economic and political situations. This is the only way we will get real societal change that incorporates women in decision-making as equals and benefits us all."

Thus, #ChooseToChallenge. It indicates that a “challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change”.

Let us now introspect ourselves about Women in India…

India is the country of Gods & Goddesses… Each God & Goddess is associated with some emotion or important aspect in life. Even they are connected to the nature and animals also…

Thus, it forms the basis to understand how well the Diversity is treated in India. Diversity is respected as the God in India.

Goddess Durga is worshipped as the form of Aadi Parashakti (The Supreme & Prime Source of Power).

Other forms of Shakti are also worshipped as the symbolic representations of important aspects of life-

Parvathi- Growth & Prosperity

Annapurna, Dhaanya Lakshmi- Food

Dhana Lakshmi- Wealth, Money

Saraswathi- Education


Even in real life also, if we closely observe,

Woman is the backbone of the family for the growth & prosperity… Women are playing an important role in Monitoring & Improving the Children Education… Working women have become a helping hand for enhancing wealth…. Etc. The list goes on to infinity with their multi-talents and multi-tasking abilities.

Women are special and unique with their diversified qualities





Emotional/Social/Spiritual Intelligence


Hard work






Adaptation to new cultures


Let us now discuss one best example to understand the greatness. Just think, in India, there is a system of entering the in laws house & staying there with the husband after marriage leaving the parent’s house. After so many years of staying with the parents, suddenly with the marriage, there is a paradigm shift. She has to get accustomed to the new environment & culture. On one side, she must be feeling home sick, on the other side she has to adapt to the new culture & new role… There are so many emotional, social pressures in her mind. Still, she manages and gets integrated into the new culture & role and becomes the key in the overall growth of the family. It is almost similar to the people joining an organization from the college. But for them formal induction/orientation training is given. But in the previous case, the women could handle everything without formal training. That is the inherent Emotional/Social skill of the women… With all the other qualities of women, they are best suitable for the leadership roles…

Thus, we should not talk only about ‘great women’ as all women are great… Being a woman itself is great…

If we see the other side of the coin, being a woman has become a curse for them… It is quite unfortunate that so many atrocities, domestic violence, gender inequality /discrimination etc. have forced us to debate on Women Empowerment & Leadership of Women even in India, the country in which Goddess Maa Durga (being the source of power) empowers all including men.

My perspective of looking at “Women Empowerment” is “Women are empowering Men”… So the minds of men should be empowered to think & respect the women, their freedom of thoughts, emotions etc…

Thursday 4 March 2021

Safety First?

First of all, I am very happy & delighted to write my 50th blog on Safety on the 50th National Safety Day. It is a nice coincidence.

National Safety Day is celebrated every year in India on 4th March (National Safety Council was formed on 4th March 1966)

Road Safety Week/Month & National Safety Day/Week are celebrated to spread the awareness among the people & workers about the various aspects of Safety.

Please go through my previous posts on Safety -

This year, the theme of the National Road Safety Month (18th Jan to 17th Feb) was “Sadak Suraksha- Jeevan Raksha” . Whereas, the theme of the National Safety Day is “Learn from the Disasters, Prepare for the Safer Future”

We might have heard “Safety First” several times… But unfortunately, Safety is the first thing compromised while driving or working… Let us now find out why it is so…

Let us take this example… The moment we get into the car, the first thing we are asked or we are supposed to do is wearing the safety belt. But in spite of keeping the alarms in the car indicating to wear the safety belt, penalties imposed on the road for not wearing the safety belt, still we don’t wear the safety belt. This is the first compromise we do on safety. If we critically observe the reasons- Are we doing it due to lack of awareness? Definitely no. Are we not concerned about our life? No. Then why?

Some common reasons & myths in the minds of people about safety are-

Safety PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is not comfortable to wear, not stylish (you might have observed many people saying these when they are asked to wear helmets), costly, so many other reasons…  Some people use karma Siddhant here saying jo hoga so hoga means whatever is destined to happen, it will happen… But unfortunately, they are not able to realize the importance of Safety.

But this pandemic situation has made all of us to understand how we are responsible for our own safety and the safety of others.

Thus, the Safety is not only an individual responsibility, it is the social responsibility of all. Unless we feel the responsibility, we won’t fulfill it. Culture has an effect on people's behaviour. Integration of people's behaviour is culture. Individual’s Safety Behaviour only collectively builds the Safety Behaviour of a society or organization and finally the Nation’s Safety Behaviour. So the change in individual’s safety behaviour is critical in building a safety culture. So, let us all be the catalsysts for such a change.

We say life is a journey… Safe driving only ensures this journey to be happy and leads to Happy Life.

Thus, Safety is the way of Happy Life… Happy Journey…

Let us analyze & learn from the previous near miss incidents, accidents and disasters to ensure the safety in our lives… Never think Past is Past… Learn from the past…