Saturday 5 September 2020

The Teacher always Shines like the Sun

September 5th every year is celebrated as teachers’ day to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, famous scholar of comparative religion and philosophy, the first Indian to hold a Professorial Chair at University of Oxford, the second President of India, Bharat Ratna etc.

Please go through for further details.

World Teachers’ Day, as decided by UNESCO, is celebrated on October 5th every year to focus on "appreciating, assessing and improving the educators of the world" and to provide an opportunity to consider issues related to teachers and teaching. Please refer to the following for further details


Here I present my views on teaching & teachers-

Teach= T each = Transform each & every student's life… So, teacher is the one who transforms the student's life with proper guidance & motivation to grow.

I have designed a greeting on Teachers’ Day with a theme behind it…


Now let me bring out the analogy---

Student= Seed

Mother= Earth/soil

Father= Water and other inputs for growth

Sun= Teacher

Atmosphere= Schools & colleges, the education system, policies, society and other conditions

Photosynthesis= Learning

Plant Growth into a Tree= Student becoming a good citizen


The student (Seed) needs the foundation from the mother (earth/soil) and father (water and other minerals & nutrients). The mother (soil) gives the strength to grow as a plant and the father supports its growth and healthiness with proper facilities for care & protection. The teacher (Sun) shares the knowledge (rays) impartially to all the students (all the plants) through the medium of the school, education system, policies & other conditions (the medium in case of Sun and the plants is the atmosphere). The transparency of the medium is also a factor for effective photosynthesis (Learning) and the plants’ growth (students’ growth as a good citizen). The obstructions for photosynthesis (learning) such as clouds (corruption in the system or improper policies and implementation), shadows of other big trees (influence of bad peers and friends) may impede the process of photosynthesis (learning) and ultimately slows down or prevents the growth.


Though the teacher is imparting the knowledge impartially to all the students, few students excel & few students fail depending on all other factors discussed above. But, it is to observe here that the Sun is impartial & always shines and takes no credit of the growth of big trees and vegetation. Vegetation and deforestation we only are doing… The Sun always shines and helps in vegetation trying to reach each & every seed possible when there is a transparent medium of approach. Thus, there is a need to improve the atmosphere (the education system & policies) so that the rays of the Sun (knowledge) reaches all the seeds and plants to grow big as trees. With such a system, we can see a big green forest in future…



Unknown said...

Very nice...

Unknown said...

The way u have explained is very much impressive sir..

Unknown said...

Very nice presentation Sir

Unknown said...

Excellent Analogy, very nicely presented

Unknown said...

Excellent writing skills


Very nice

Unknown said...

Nice writing skills and well explained...

venkat said...

Nicely presented

santhosh said...

Very nice analogy sir.👌👌👌

santhosh said...

Very nice analogy sir.👌👌👌 said...

Very good explanation Sir����

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Very nice writing Sir

Sreeja Devi said...


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