Tuesday 17 December 2019

Communal Harmony - The Harmonium of India

The moment we say "Communal Harmony", the entire world looks at India as India is the country of  rich "Cultural Diversity" with many religions, castes and creeds, yet maintains "Unity in Diversity" always. The following are my views on communal harmony and its importance -

Friday 21 June 2019

Is “Yoga” only to cure “Roga”?

Yoga is the spiritual and physical process which ensures both the mental and physical health and well-being. It is also useful for stress relieving and improving concentration. There are many more advantages.

Making Yoga a habit…..
Ø  Convince yourself that you need to do yoga
Ø  Start with simple exercises
Ø  Try to make it a habit
Ø  Don’t worry if you can’t go as per your plan
Ø  Try again next day when you are free
Ø  Be mindful and enjoy the process of yoga

Common myths and obstacles in yoga practice are….
1.       Only for the patients?
Many people think yoga is for the people who have the physical or mental ailments (Roga- sickness). Yah it is true that yoga cures many deceases.  But it is not meant only for curing the deceases. It also upkeeps the good health and well-being of the people. It is the effective tool to continually improve our health and well-being. This is how we can have sustainability of the health and well-being. Similar to the types of maintenance we have for our vehicles and the machines  such as Breakdown maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Predictive or Pro-active maintenance, we need to maintain our body and mind as per the needs. The effective maintenance of both the body and mind is done by Yoga.

Patients of some deceases (especially people with backpain, hypertension) think it is not for them as they can’t perform these exercises. Actually, there are very few exercises which restrict these people from doing those exercises.  They can perform remaining exercises.
Yoga has a vast pool of exercises with clear instructions and restrictions of each & every aasana (exercise).

2.      Age
Children or young people think that yoga is for the old people. The old think it is for the young to do. At this old age they think they can’t perform the yoga.
Whereas the fact is that yoga is for all the age groups. It is for all whoever wants to be happy and healthy.

3.      Time
The common myth is yoga has to be performed only in the early morning. Many people can’t wakeup early and so they decide yoga is not their cup of tea. But yoga can be done before the first cup of tea u take after waking up irrespective of time. Try to follow the scheduled time for yoga. If not possible, then also feel happy to do as and when the time permits. Moreover, Praanaayaama (Breathing exercises) may be performed whenever you feel stressed. Of course, you can do it even in a minute for the relaxation.

4.      Guide
One more apprehension many people express is that they don’t have the guide to supervise the yoga when they are performing. It is said that yoga had to be practiced under the expert supervision. But with the advent of IT, one can use the YouTube videos to get the guided practice of yoga similar to guided meditation.

5.      Region or religion
People think that yoga belongs to a certain region or religion. But it is not so. Yoga is a universal practice to unite with the universe. With the advent of International Day of Yoga (21st June every year) declared by United Nations, yoga has got global recognition. This year the theme is “Yoga for climate change”.
Please go through the following links about International Day of Yoga….

The Common Yoga Protocol is herewith shared

You can also visit my previous posts related to this…

Friday 31 May 2019

'ThinKING' is the real King

Earlier, in the previous post https://researchsubbu.blogspot.com/2016/07/kings-habits.html we have seen  how smoKING and drinKING (S&D) are wrongly perceived as the King’s habits. We have understood that there are good habits such as walKING, which make us the real King. On the day of “World No Tobacco Day” (31.05.19), I introduce you to another wonderful King’s habit i.e., ThinKING.

ThinKING about quitting bad habits such as smoKING and drinKING and go for good habits is the first step required for the change.

ThinKING about why people are going for S&D will reveal some of the reasons-

Ø  To come out of the anxiety and stress- There are many causes of stress. Please go through https://researchsubbu.blogspot.com/2015/06/please-find-herewith-attached-link-to.html for understanding about stress. S&D is not the solution because S&D may give temporary relaxation from the stress, but when the stress recurs, again subjecting to S&D. Moreover, S&D may also increase the stress caused by feeling of guilt, addiction, loss of self-control etc., which further raise the temptations to go for S&D and the vicious cycle goes on.  Anxiety and stress can be managed through yoga, meditation, deep muscle relaxation technique and other scientific methods of relaxation.
Ø  To relax- S&D is not the choice. There are proven relaxation techniques which are very good for health.
Ø  Social obligation/ Peer’s pressure- We have to only bear the consequences of S&D. No one is responsible for one’s health. We ourselves are responsible for our health. No one can save our life or not even help in recovering from the chronic deceases due to S&D. Please go through https://researchsubbu.blogspot.com/2015/05/whose-wealth-is-our-health.html.
Ø  Status symbol- We have discussed this in detail in the previous post of King’s habits. Never ever perceive S&D as the King’s habits.
Ø  Parents’ Habits- As the father is the KING for the children, he becomes the ideal for imitation by the children. They follow the parents’ footsteps. Thus, parents should behave responsibly.
Ø  Passing time/coming out of boredom- Some people engage themselves in S&D for passing time when they feel bored. Idle man’s brain is devil’s workshop. Never sit idle. Always focus your mind on something which is useful.

There are many ways of bringing in the change. Where there is a will, there is a way… There are wonderful techniques for self-management and control such as mindfulness, concentration, thoughtfulness, meditation, emotional intelligence and various stress management techniques etc., available in YouTube. One can go through and practise for the great benefits. Still if one feels difficult to come out of the addiction to S&D, psychologists and psychiatrists are always available to help out.
World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrated every year by WHO (World Health Organization) and its partners on 31.05.19. This year’s focus is tobacco and lung health.
The campaign focusses on
  • the negative impact that tobacco has on people’s lung health, from cancer to chronic respiratory disease,
  • the fundamental role lungs play for the health and well-being of all people.

THINK before you ACT…….