Friday, 9 December 2016

Secured Productivity

Though the Security & Safety have similar definitions, they are different in the context they are applied.Both are for protecting someone or something. Along with the safety, security is also a factor which enhances the security. This can be better explained when we see the types of security-
  1. Personal Security
  2. Family Security
  3. Social Security
  4. Border Security
  5. Financial Security
  6. Information Security/Cyber Security
  7. Industrial Security
  8. Job Security
The relationship between the above types of Security and the Productivity is explained in the following-

As we can  clearly see that better security will give greater productivity, we can say that the holistic approach in security will secure the productivity with sustainability.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Be a Transformer...

We all know, the transformer works on the principle of Mutual Induction, which is defined as- two adjacent coils, electrically isolated and magnetically coupled, induce Electro-Motive Force (EMF) in each other with the changes in their currents. Similarly, for an organization, to bring in the change in the culture of the organization by redefining the core values, vision, mission etc., the organization should be like a transformer with the induction of mutual respect among the employees. The change brought in one employee inspires the change in the colleagues and the process goes on if all the employees are engaged with trust (magnetically coupled). The magnetic linkage and electrical isolation is the key in the transformer functioning which is possible only due to the mutual induction. In the organizational context, though there is a gap among the employees due to diversity of several forms, they can be well linked through the mutual respect. Once such a mutual respect is established, the trust becomes the core of the transformer to facilitate the mutual induction. Similar to self-induced EMF, self respect and trust also are equally important. Moreover, the EMF induced in the coils is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux linkages. In the organizations, it is the motivation developed due to the rate of changes/challenges faced by the co-employees. However, as per Lenz's law, the induced EMF will oppose the very cause of its production. This can be attributed to the resistance to change in the organizations. Ultimately, the mutual respect & trust becomes the basic principle for all the organizations to become "the real Transformers in the business scenario".

Monday, 7 November 2016

Pollution-Natural Environment//Corruption-Total Environment

Pollution spoils only the natural environment whereas the corruption spoils the entire environment. It spreads like cancer to damage all the systems in place. To combat the corruption, values, morals & ethics are to be reinforced at all levels though they are primarily implanted at school & family levels. Self vigilance, if practiced properly, boosts an individual to make the the systems healthy & strong without the corruption. If corruption is the virus in the system, self-vigilance backed up with values, morals & ethics will be the perfect anti-virus.
The Government of India celebrates Vigilance Awareness Week every year in Oct/Nov months to spread the dream of corruption-free India. The theme for 2016 is " Public Participation in Promoting Integrity & Eradicating Corruption" as the government alone cannot achieve the goal without the effective participation from the people at large.
Here are some of the thoughts I would like to share on the above theme...

Sunday, 25 September 2016

CSR3 - Corporate Social Responsibility, Respectability and Reciprocity

As the companies take the inputs from the society for running their business operations, it becomes their moral responsibility to give something in return to the society. Such a responsibility is known as Corporate Social Responsibility. But some companies do not take up this responsibility voluntarily. Thus, the Government of India has come up with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 which mandates the companies operating & have set ups in India with annual turnover greater than or equal to Rs 1000 Crores or net worth greater than or equal to Rs 500Crores or net profit greater than or equal to Rs 5Crores need to spend at least 2% of their average PAT of three previous financial years.

Companies need to not only plan & allocate sufficient budget for CSR, but also ensure the effectiveness of CSR implementation & the social impact measurement through social audits. If the companies implement the CSR policies and report with true spirit, it will be a huge help for inclusive growth of people, planet & profit- the triple bottom line of the sustainability. If the CSR of the companies is effective in environment protection & management initiatives with a collaborative & integrative approach with other companies, NGOs and the MSMEs etc, India will become one of the leading countries with sustained sustainability initiatives setting new benchmarks for the rest of the world.

Please go through my article published in Powerhrforum's 'Power-People' journal pg.32-34

Friday, 16 September 2016

"Protect the Ozone Layer" to "Get Protected"

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is celebrated every year on 16th September to commemorate the the Montreal protocol of 1987 against the ozone layer depletion.
Ozone Layer is the protective layer for the Earth which is there in Stratosphere and absorbs the UV rays from the Sun. Ozone atom takes the energy from UV rays and breaks into O2 and O atoms. These O atoms will react with O2 atoms and form O3 again. It is a continuous process. As the energy is being taken in these reactions, very less amount of harmful UV rays especially UV-B rays reach the Earth, thereby protecting the living beings from several diseases.
Ozone Layer Depletion is caused by CFC (Chloroflourocarbons), HCFC (Hydrochloroflourocarbons), which are widely used in refrigerators and Air conditioners.  The Cholrine atom gets separated from the CFC when exposed to UV rays on absorption of energy and it combines with O3 to take away O and leaves O2. Thus, the number of O3 atoms gets reduced, which lead to Ozone layer depletion and passage of UV rays to the Earth with high concentration. Halon, Methyl Bromide etc., are some of the other Ozone depleting substances. Methyl Bromide is a pesticide used in agriculture for pest control. Some of the chemicals used in sprays and paints can also damage the Ozone layer. Using the alternatives and natural substances are suggested for protecting the Ozone layer from depletion. While purchasing such products, it is our prime responsibility to check that they will not harm the Ozone layer protection.

Please go through the following links for further information:-

Thus, it is clear that " Not protecting the Ozone Layer is like not protecting ourselves"

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Happy Indian Engineers' Day!

Engineers' Day is celebrated throughout the world in different countries on different days. (Engineers' Day)
In India, it is celebrated on 15th September to commemorate the birthday of Sir Mokshagundam Vishvesvaraya, the only engineer, who received the Bharat Ratna- the highest civilian honour from the Government of India. (Bharat Ratna)
This year's theme is "Skill Development for Young Engineers to Reform the Core Sector: Vision 2025". (Institution of Engineers India- writeup)

Please go through my views on the following scanned images :-

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

हिन्दी-भारत माँ की बिन्दी / Hindi-India

India is a country with rich cultural diversity. It has several regional languages. Hindi, being the 2nd most spoken language in the world & widely spoken in India, is the official language of the Government of India. The script is Devanagari. The ancient language Sanskrit is written in this script. Hindi Divas is celebrated on 14th September every year. Hindi with Devanagari script was declared as official language by the Government in 1949 on the same day, which was further ratified under Article 343 of constitution of India in 1950. Though the Britishers left India in 1947, still English is being continued in all official communication along with Hindi in bilingual mode.

To promote Hindi as the official language, Hindi Pakhwada (Hindi Fortnight) is being celebrated every year in India in all the central government offices and PSUs. 
Please go through the following links:-

हिन्दी - नारे / Hindi- Slogans

Sunday, 7 August 2016

A Friend in Deed is the Friend in Need now a days...

We all know the proverb " A Friend in Need is the Friend in Deed". The different interpretations are beautifully explained in the website

My interpretation is as follows---
It is the old proverb which may not fit into the friendships we have in the social networking arena of the modern world.Finding a true friend indeed is the need of the hour now with the advent of making huge number of friends throughout the globe.If we see the fb account now a days, it has become a friend book account in which we add daily so many pages. On the contrary, getting onto the facebook & other networking sites has also been treated as an addiction & a source of stress according to many research results. We also can see so many fraud cases of people with false identities taking undue advantage of the friendship over these networking sites as most of the countries do not have stringent cyber laws enforced properly to prevent the cyber crimes. Moreover, we get many messages also that it is better to spend with the persons who are around you rather than ignoring them and making friends in the virtual world. Facebook also took precautionary steps to verify the identities of the suspicious people. It also asks the users to add the people, whom we really know  personally. Let us use the networking sites for making the true friendship alive and prosper. The technology is in our hands. Let us use it for spreading goodness by making good friends indeed. Thus, the friends with good deeds are needed to be our good friends in the social networking sites...
So a true friend indeed is the friend in need now a days...

Today (1st Sunday of August) is celebrated as friendship day in most of the countries.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

King's Habits

If the video is not opening here, please use the following link

When we go to the museums, we observe the smoking and drinking objects used by the Kings along with other ancient objects displayed. As these objects may reflect the King's habits, the children & the youth may think that the smoking & drinking are closely associated with the Kings. Moreover, the advertisements/ brand names of cigarettes & alcohol products are also closely linked to the KING word. If we apply Pavlov's theory of Classical Conditioning, it may so happen that the children or the youth may think that if the person has these habits of Smoking & Drinking then he is the "Real King". Moreover, the research shows that most of the smoking & drinking habits form in teenage. 
Thus, as an ethical practice most of the advertisements of these products give a Warning saying Tobacco KILLS. The same type of warning may also be given in the museums near the smoking & drinking objects so that the children & youth visiting may not correlate these objects with the king's habits & try to imbibe.
Moreover, while educating the youth it is always necessary to provide information of wide variety of habits both good & bad with their effects so that they  can be empowered to choose the right ones.
In the present scenario of life style diseases, walKING is the Real King's Habit, which people at all ages should follow & inspire others in your kingdom. Take a lead as a Real King & help others for good health...

Think for a while! Walk for a mile!!

Thursday, 7 April 2016

‘Dynamic’ or ‘Diabetic’?

Environments which are external or internal to the people, business, workplace, society & nature etc., are changing dynamically to cause a dynamic change in the health of these systems. This in turn causes a dynamic change in the health of our body & mind also. Those who can produce a dynamic response to these changes can only sustain with good health.  Diabetes is termed as a Life Style disease as it affects the people, who do not make the changes in their life style to combat the life style changes happening due to the environment.  Self discipline & control in food habits, walking, exercises, yoga & meditation etc do keep the sugar levels under control. Let us be dynamic rather than diabetic. There are many cases in which the people do not know that they are diabetic unless they undergo the tests for some other reasons. Thus, it is always advisable to check the sugar levels. Please go through my previous posts,  Let us be dynamic in bringing awareness to the diabetic that optimizing the following are the key in optimizing the sugar levels-
  • Regular health check up
  • Standard diet plan
  • Medication & Meditation
  • Exercises
  • Confidence

Diabetes is a life style disorder which demands for the disciplined life style. It is not a big disease when controlled with good discipline. Thus, it can be preventable. If it is neglected, it may become the root cause for several chronic diseases and disorders. 

Today (7Th April, 2016) is the World Health Day meant for spreading health awareness. The theme for this year by WHO (World Health Organization) is "Halt the rise: beat diabetes".

To know more about the diabetes please go through the links of WHO website

The world health day themes of the previous years are available here

Let everyday be a Happy & Healthy Day...

Monday, 21 March 2016

Friday, 11 March 2016

Pro-active Approach in Safety at Workplace

  • Most of the accidents do take place due to lack of awareness and prediction. Of course, being aware is not sufficient, taking the preventive measures is the most important aspect to avoid the unwanted incidents. Thus, the awareness & the implementation,  when go hand in hand will ensure safety at workplace.
  • Safety is everyone's responsibility. Its the mutual responsibility shared between the organization (management) and the employees.
  • If we look at the different definitions of safety at workplace, mostly it will be a preventive measure to avoid accidents/unwanted incidents/mis-happenings.Little research has been done on the positivity of safety. The perception towards safety should change in order to bring new benchmarks as far as work place safety is concerned.
  • Safety should be considered as a pro-active measure rather than a preventive measure.Innovation in safety has to be encouraged through workshops , seminars, committees & councils etc.
  • Safety should not be considered as a separate entity. It's an integral part of the inclusive growth strategy for good occupational health and environment. SAP-EHS module can be useful for such integration.
  • Safety stewards should take leading role in spreading the information shared in the workshops, meetings etc., to all the employees by conducting training programs, knowledge sharing sessions.
  • The professional circles, quality circles should also take up the safety issues as their projects and find out some improvement methodology to solve the safety related problems.
  • Near miss incidents/best practices/ safety slogans/essays & write-ups related to safety are to be shared in intranet & e-mails.Use of social media can also be explored.
  • The participation rate in safety awareness competitions has to be increased by giving the employees proper motivation.Encouraging the employees to enhance the safety through their innovative thoughts is the key for the pro-active approach on safety.
  • Sharing the minutes of safety council meetings with all the employees will definitely enhance their awareness & increase the vigilance on proper implementation & follow up.
  • With the increased understanding of safety at workplace & paradigm shift in the perception towards safety from preventive to pro-active, any organization can safely reach its targets and set up new benchmarks in overall growth.