Sunday 17 July 2016

King's Habits

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When we go to the museums, we observe the smoking and drinking objects used by the Kings along with other ancient objects displayed. As these objects may reflect the King's habits, the children & the youth may think that the smoking & drinking are closely associated with the Kings. Moreover, the advertisements/ brand names of cigarettes & alcohol products are also closely linked to the KING word. If we apply Pavlov's theory of Classical Conditioning, it may so happen that the children or the youth may think that if the person has these habits of Smoking & Drinking then he is the "Real King". Moreover, the research shows that most of the smoking & drinking habits form in teenage. 
Thus, as an ethical practice most of the advertisements of these products give a Warning saying Tobacco KILLS. The same type of warning may also be given in the museums near the smoking & drinking objects so that the children & youth visiting may not correlate these objects with the king's habits & try to imbibe.
Moreover, while educating the youth it is always necessary to provide information of wide variety of habits both good & bad with their effects so that they  can be empowered to choose the right ones.
In the present scenario of life style diseases, walKING is the Real King's Habit, which people at all ages should follow & inspire others in your kingdom. Take a lead as a Real King & help others for good health...

Think for a while! Walk for a mile!!


Unknown said...

Hi Subbu,
I appreciate your efforts in coming up with creative ways in sharing messages related work place safety and general health.

ResearchSubbu said...

Thank u soo much...

Anonymous said...

Nice thought 👍

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