Monday 5 October 2015

Bird’s Eye View

In Mahabharata, the famous epic in India, Drona, the teacher (guru) asks all his students (Pandavas & Kauravas) one by one to aim at a bird and say what they see & finally shoot an arrow on his instruction. Yudhisthira, the eldest, says he sees the tree, the sky, the guru and the bird also. Someone (Bheem) says he sees the tree, the fruits & the bird also. This was almost similar with all the other students. All were instructed by Drona not to release the arrow as they failed to concentrate properly on the target. Finally, Arjuna comes & says he sees only the bird eye. Drona feels very happy & asks him to release the arrow. Arjuna gets the success through his sheer concentration. This story is generally famous to set an example and explain the importance of concentration one should make to reach the target. But we can make several other learnings by critically analyzing it.

If one concentrates on the bird’s eye like Arjuna in the forest, what will happen if a lion or tiger comes from one side? Thus, it is always better to have the Bird’s Eye view of anything i.e., having the bigger picture like Yudhisthira & then should have a focus on the goal like Arjuna. Both qualities combined will give you the success. Even in cricket also, we can correlate this concept of success. The batsman should not only concentrate on the ball, but also consider so many factors like the batting lineup, pitch condition, the target to be achieved, overs remaining apart from his own capabilities along with the runner’s & bowler’s capabilities. Similarly, you can list out the factors for the bowler, keeper & the captain and so on and so forth.  Ultimately, your mind should be like the lens of a camera, which can be zoomed to see the bird’s eye clearly & unzoomed to have the bird’s eye view. If we follow this principle, whether it is archery, cricket or photography, everyone will say “NICE SHOT”. You can think of other examples such as carroms, billiards etc to understand this concept & bring out the analogy. "Be the jack of all trades & master of ONE".

Friday 25 September 2015

“Test” for the “Best”

Healthiness of a transformer is ensured by periodically testing the oil. Similarly, vibrations of the rotating equipment are monitored to ensure the healthiness & take up predictive maintenance to avoid damage. Anti-virus software conducts regular checks to prevent the intrusion of any malware in the computer system. Quality “tests” are conducted to deliver the “best” products. There are many more examples of testing for ensuring the best performance of the equipment. Basic philosophy of the tests is to give a feedback to take corrective actions to ensure the healthiness. It is not to highlight the faults. We can interpret this logic in daily life. We see students are scared of their weekly tests & other examinations. In fact these examinations give a feedback for improvement in the final annual examinations. So never be de-motivated if you get low marks in the examination. It’s just a feedback for improvement. The pathological tests are conducted to identify the diseases early so that remedies may be suggested by the doctors whereas many patients are so tense about the tests and the results. Do you feel tense when the doctor advises you for any pathological tests? In fact we only should ask the doctors to suggest the required tests to ensure & maintain good health by following a regular schedule of checking our health. Please go through my post on the health & wealth Ultimately we are responsible for our health, our education, our career, our family and our own life & lifestyle. Thus, it is our prime responsibility to test our performance with the help of available sources and make necessary changes in life style to bring out the best in ourselves. “Test” your performance to achieve the “Best”. Self analysis is one of the useful tools to check & take corrections to fine tune your performance. There are online tests available for students. Students may test themselves and take required actions to comfortably face the tests conducted at school or college. Glucometer, blood pressure monitor are some of the instruments used by many people to measure the glucose & blood pressure levels respectively to ensure that they are healthy. Be proactive about yourself. We should be “Dynamic” rather than “Diabetic” in our education, career, family life, health & wealth. This will definitely ensure the overall growth. 

Friday 28 August 2015

Driving Towards Your Goal

Life is a journey. Your mind is the driver of your body in this journey. Whatever goals we put are the destinations in the journey. Driving towards the destination safely needs our patience, concentration and the physical fitness of the vehicle. Thus to successfully achieve the goals set in life we need all these qualities. Without a clear map of the road, to reach the destination creates confusion & leads to wastage of fuel, time and ultimately we cannot reach the destination. Moreover, there is a physical & psychological limitation for everyone in travelling through the life for achieving the goals. If we set very big distances to be covered in the journey & we have only a vehicle with less capacity then it becomes very difficult to reach the destination. Either we have to upgrade the vehicle or reduce the distance to be travelled more realistically. This clearly says that the goals we set in life should be realistic, feasible & achievable based on the physical and psychological strengths & the weaknesses we have. Without considering the resources & the limitations, if we set bigger goals, the vehicle may never reach the destination & the journey becomes unpleasant which causes the stress for both the driver and the vehicle. If you choose a path with heavy traffic (high competition), you should have more perseverance and determination. Following the traffic rules is like following the ethics in the competition. Every time you face a vehicle, just take a turn & overtake the vehicles as per the traffic rules. Moreover if somebody is struck up on the road, help them. One more important thing is to keep the focus always on the road & the traffic. Always take a feedback & correct your direction to reach your destination happily & safely.

Ten tips for Successful Journey-

1.       Set realistic goals based on the capabilities and resources.
2.       Accept your limitations.
3.       Have a clear-cut road-map.
4.       Be ethical in reaching your targets.
5.       Help others to reach their targets also.
6.       Keep the focus not only on the goal but also on the path.
7.       Even if you miss your path, don't worry! Correct your directions of the journey as per the road-map & go ahead.
8.       Be a sustainable vehicle on the road map of excellence.
9.       Be patient when there is a red signal. After few seconds it will become green.
10.   Always maintain the healthiness of the vehicle. It’s the drivers’ responsibility. Do Yoga & meditation.


Friday 21 August 2015

Inclusive Growth of Agriculture and Biodiversity with Industrialization

Industrialization is considered to be the key in economic growth of developing countries. To meet the land requirements for industrialization, a lot of forest & agricultural land is being sacrificed. To compensate this, existing government regulations and laws do help in protecting the green cover by mandatory plantations by the industries. Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities are some of the other activities done by most of the industries to protect and uplift the livelihood of the people residing in the nearby industrial areas. The existing policies are much concerned about the protection of forests & socio-economical aspects of people. But very little attention was paid on the damage to the agriculture and biodiversity caused by the industrialization. Many farmers are converting their agricultural land into industrial land for the monetary compensation, employment and facilities provided as a part of R&R and CSR schemes of the companies.

For the sustainability of humankind, agriculture is the most important sector which should not be neglected. Thus a framework for policymakers and industries for protecting the agriculture and biodiversity is suggested with the following proposals -
  • Agriculture and biodiversity clearance is also to be taken along with other mandatory clearances like environment & forest clearances for setting up a project.
  • Firms should concentrate on providing alternative land for agriculture and biodiversity parks in proportion to the land acquired for setting up the industry.
  • Industries should take active part in utilizing a percentage of land acquired for the purpose of agriculture.
  • Industries should collaborate for setting up & maintenance of biodiversity parks.
  • Agriculture and biodiversity department may be setup and integrated with Environment and CSR departments in the industries.
  • Agriculture specialists and the farmers are to be recruited and trained for enhancing their skills. Outsourcing agriculture by the company with key & skilled farmers recruited on permanent basis extends the skills acquired to other farmers on contract.
  • Industries tie-up with agricultural universities.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Environment & Sustainability

Environment & human beings are interdependent. One wants to change the other. If the human beings cause 'Climate Change', a time will come when the environment forces a change in human life.Sooner or later, it is better to invite a change in our behavior towards the environment now itself. Every individual, organization, nation & the whole world have some dreams to accomplish. In the path of achieving these goals one should not hurt the dreams of others. An inclusive approach for achieving the goals integrated to common goals & common cause is required.The strategies thus adapted should necessarily consider the environment & sustainability on top priority.Our respectability comes from our ability for sustainability.

Environment Slogans


Thursday 18 June 2015

Managing the Mutually Induced Stress between the Organization & the Employees

Please find herewith attached the link to the "Power People" Journal in which my article on "Managing the Mutually Induced Stress between the Organization and the Employees" was published. 

My article is in of the journal (20-25 of pdf). In the uploaded soft copy by powerhrforum, is blank. Please bear with it.

Click here for My article

Please go through the article and give your valuable feedback & suggestions.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Improving the Safety at Work

Safety at work, i.e. the safety of men, equipment & material,can be enhanced by avoiding unsafe conditions and unsafe actions. This can be better achieved by focusing on both the physical & the psychological factors of the work environment. 

  • Physical work environment factors which include- Ladders, steps, elevators, lifts, illumination, PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment), Tools used, wet surfaces, evenness of the surface, house keeping, cleanliness, roads, speed breakers & sign boards, PTW (Permit To Work) system- Isolation of equipment, Hazardous material handling, Material Safety Data Sheets, Identification of Danger zones & display, Disaster Management Plan, Emergency exits, Fire Protection System, Electrical Earthing and other protections.
  • Psychological work environment factors which include- Know-how about the equipment before operating, Mental stress of the employee, lack of concentration on work, lack of sleep or proper rest, lack of motivation, ego, overconfidence, increased workload, Awareness about the safety measures & training, Management commitment towards safety, Safety pep-talks, Safety audits, reporting and analysis of near-miss incidents, communication, mock-drills, competitions, safety counselling.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Transparency in Public Procurement

In the recent past all the big scams such as 2G spectrum, coal mine scam etc., are majorly concerned with the procurement process involved in allocation of such projects. Public procurement is the process of procurement of goods, services etc., for the public with the public money. Government companies are responsible to maintain transparency as they use the public money. Ethical practices followed in allocation of projects, contracts, material procurement dictate the fate of the company. Private companies are no exception for this as sustaining on the ethics only ensures sustainable competitive advantage. Following well-defined , clear-cut processes and guidelines with strict adherence to the systems, to be ensured by regular audits with true spirit, will definitely enhance the transparency in the public procurement. Information Technology is an effective tool to bring out transparency as well as efficiency and effectiveness in the procurement process and the audits by reducing the process delays. e-tendering, e-procurement, e-auction, e-audit and monitoring are the need of the hour now. The Public Procurement Act 2012 states to float tenders above 50 lakhs online in the company website. However, bringing the awareness in the vendors about e-tendering and encouragement for such process, IT security  are some of the challenges. 

Saturday 2 May 2015

Whose Wealth is Our Health?

HEALTH IS WEALTH. If we maintain good health, our health becomes our wealth; otherwise it will be  the doctors' wealth.Ultimately health is wealth but 'for whom' is the question to be asked and is dependent on us. It is 'we', responsible for maintaining good health for good wealth. We should have good health to enjoy the wealth also.As said in Bhagavadgita, life is a play & we all are actors. Our souls take the costumes (bodies) and after the play, we should return those costumes without damaging them. Even though the costumes do not stay with us after the play is over, the roles played by us stay forever. It is similar to taking a book from the library & returning it within the prescribed time without damaging it. Even though the book does not stay with us, the essence of the knowledge stays forever. Thus, it is our prime responsibility to continually improve the health & wealth in life and inspire others. As the Health consists of both physical & mental health, we should inculcate a culture of healthy habits such as exercises, walking, swimming, yoga, meditation, stress relieving techniques, work-life balance to change the lifestyle to combat the life style diseases or disorders. Health & Wealth  are the two eyes of human-beings to see the world of growth and prosperity and  are the way of life.  Thus, OUR HEALTH IS OUR WEALTH if and only if it is properly maintained. Now think whether your health is your wealth or not?

Wednesday 29 April 2015

How the "Commitment at Work" works?

The mutual commitment between the organization and the employees is the secret of success for not only the organization but also for the employees. This can be better achieved through inspirational leadership. The organizational focus should be not only on making the roadmaps for sustainable growth, but also on making every employee a sustainable vehicle on the roadmaps made for the organization. This sense of employee bonding and belongingness is to be inculcated by enhancing the effectiveness of the following-
-Proper need based training
-Giving higher responsibilities
-Putting the employees in cross-functional teams
-Taking opinions & suggestions
-Proper succession planning
-Performance management and rewards
-Stress management interventions

Tuesday 28 April 2015

5S Methodology

5S is the Japanese methodology of working with a systematic approach.
1S-SEIRI-Sort Out
2S-SEITON-Set in Order

  1. Sort out all the tools & materials. Segregate the wanted and unwanted items. Name the unwanted items as Red-tag items & dispose if those are not required.
  2. Set the items in proper order so that they can be easily retrieved when required.
  3. Maintain cleanliness at the workplace & surroundings. Good hygiene is always a good motivating factor.
  4. Standardize the schedule for the above works. Frame a scheduled task sheet.
  5. Sustain the practices of 5S system in true spirit. Ensure it with regular audits and reviews. Strive for Continual Improvement.

Theme: 5S- A Sustainable Vehicle


Monday 27 April 2015

Happiness - The Main Goal of Life

Happiness should be the main goal of life. Remaining all are the sub-goals. But people think that all the sub-goals like achieving something, earning this much, buying something will give the happiness in life. Just after achieving those sub-goals only, they come to know that there is no happiness there. Again they search for happiness by setting some other goals.Here one important thing to be observed is that they are leaving the HAPPINESS itself in the run to chase these sub-goals. Thus, instead of going behind these sub-goals, one should straightaway aim at HAPPINESS as the main goal of life and try to achieve it in each and every juncture of life. 
Enjoy each and every picosecond of life.


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