Saturday 11 September 2021

Tusk for Task- Learnings from Lord Ganesha

Face is the index of mind. Lord Ganesha’s face also teaches us many important life lessons. let us mindfully learn from it.

Big Head- We should always think big

Small Eyes- We should focus on our Focus & Concentration

Small mouth & large ears- Talk less and listen more

Trunk- Flexibility, adaptability, maximum intake, reachability

Broken Tusk-Commitment- Lord Ganesha has broken his tusk for writing task of Mahabharata when his pen broke.

Replaced Head- It suggests us to be very careful about our head as it can’t be so easily replaced as in the case of Lord Ganesha. So, we should protect our head by wearing a crash helmet while driving. This is being used to promote road safety by several governments & police. Moreover, commitment to duty and integrity are important things which we can learn from that story of Ganesha stopping Lord Shiva to enter Kailasha as the ganesha was instructed by Parvathi not to allow anyone inside.

The other learnings include-

Rat-vehicle- Though he is very Big, He has chosen a very small rat as His vehicle. It tells us that though we grow big in our life, we should always be down to earth.

Ganesha & Karthikeya’s Race- Circling around the parents instead of circling around the world- Importance of parents, importance of identifying one’s own strengths & weaknesses and making strategies based on that.

We can learn a lot many things from the following-

Ganapathi Bappa Morya